2024年4月14日 星期日


GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊
Host : VNP
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If you often go abroad, you must understand the definitions of various types of vegetarianism or if you order the vegetables food , you should know what you exactly want to eat.


 如果不是純素食者,會吃奶蛋。就是Lacto-Ovo vegetarian(奶蛋素)。如果雞蛋的取得夠人道,不傷害雞,那是最好的了。其實許多該從動物身上得到的營養素,現在也能透過植物攝取到。很多人因為基於同理心不想殺生。選擇吃素,且提倡放生。

如連奶蛋都不碰,那就是吃全素,這個字的英文是vegan。有些人以為vegan就是vegetarian 的縮寫,其實這兩個字的意思是完全不同的,vegetarian通常飲食除了蔬食外,還有攝取奶與蛋之類的dairy products動物性乳製品,可是vegan則是全部蔬食,完全不吃任何動物性的東西,包含奶蛋類。國外許多vegans是連動物性的製品都不使用,所以只穿純棉的衣服,拒絕羊毛以及絲綢還有皮件。carnivore(肉食性動物)、herbivore(草食性動物)與omnivore(雜食性動物),這幾年為了減少碳足跡carbon footprint,各國也大力推廣吃在地的食物,所以locavore 這個字也變夯(此字曾是牛津字典2007年所選出來的年度風雲字喔)。時尚蔬食薈力推的主旨。

1. Lacto-Ovo-vegetarian  


2. pollotarian  


3. pescetarian 


4. freegan

為了環保理由不購買食物,只撿他人剩下的蔬果或 是掉下來的蔬食與肉類的自由食者(國外也有人戲稱這種人是乞食者)

5. flexitarian


Where did the word “vegan” come from?

There are, of course, many ethical and health controversies surrounding vegetarianism in all its different forms, but we wanted to know – where did the words come from? Who invented “veganism”?

Vegetarianism has been around for a very long time. Some historians date it back to Ancient Greek philosophers, and religious sects of Buddhism and Hinduism have encouraged vegetarianism for hundreds of years. However, the word itself came into common usage in the 1830s. During this era, vegetarianism was associated with religious conservatives,some of whom also campaigned for the temperance movement to ban alcohol .

It is not completely clear who invented the word “vegetarian.” It may have been the founders of the British Vegetarian Society in 1847. Regardless, its linguistic roots are very clear. The Latin word “vegetābilis” meant “lively or animating” and came to describe foods that made one lively or animated. The suffix “–arian” changes an adjective into a personal noun, as in librarian or veterinarian. From the 1840s onward, the word was in common English usage.

Why “vegan” though? Where did that short word that connotes radical vegetarians come from? Donald Watson, founder of the Vegan Society, coined the word vegan” in 1944 as a statement against vegetarians who ate dairy products. He took the first and last letters of the word vegetarian to create his orthodox version of vegetarianism. 

Today, as many as 10% of American adults say they follow a vegetarian-inclined diet but only 1% of them are strict vegans.

Most people who describe themselves as vegetarians are technically Lacto-Ovo-vegetarians; that is they eat eggs and milk. If you want to get really specific in describing your diet, you could use some of these terms: pollotarians (if you eat chicken, but not meat from mammals),  pescetarians (if you eat fish), freeganif you eat food only when it’s free).

Recently, a new word has entered the dietary lexicon flexitarian Though the term dates were invented in the 1990s, only in the past few years has it acquired common currency. The first flexitarian cookbook came out in 2008. Celebrity chef Mark Bittman advocates for a “plant-based diet” meaning one that focuses on plants but can include a little meat.

Michael Pollan’s book The Omnivore’s Dilemma uses a different nomenclature to talk about similar issues. By calling us “omnivores ,” Pollan suggests that we should not be herbivores(or carnivores,for that matter). The language he uses closely resembles the words that biologists use to talk about animals. Owls are carnivores; rabbits are herbivores. As with most attributes,though, we prefer to have different adjectives to describe the same behavior in animals and in humans.


