2024年8月17日 星期六

新數據:蔬食飲食的確能讓身體回春 只要這樣吃

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新數據:飲食的確能讓身體回春 只要這樣吃

閱讀學習英文學習 蔬食救地球




該研究是刊登在《BMC Medicine》的兩個研究中的一個。史丹佛大學的預防醫學研究中心(Stanford Prevention Research Center)該研究將21對成年、BMI平均26的雙胞胎分成純素組和雜食組,進行8週的研究,除了看生理和心理狀況,也用細胞年齡來檢驗受試者的器官、新陳代謝和荷爾蒙等等數值是否降低;純素組避免吃動物來源食物,雜食組則是奶、蛋、肉、蔬果都吃。




另一個研究是從營養素的角度出發,研究地中海飲食、替代健康飲食(Alternative Healthy Eating)和表觀基因營養飲食(Epigenetic Nutrient)3種飲食的差異,這3種飲食的特色包括:













飲食型態中減糖普遍被認為是正確的做法,但純素飲食是否真的健康?史丹佛大學預防醫學研究中心研究員亞若尼卡(Lucia Aronica)指出,純素食雖然能讓細胞回春,但這不代表純素食贏了,「人體需要各種營養素,長期純素食會使營養缺乏,可吃蛋奶,避免加工食品和糖才真的健康」。



New data: Diet can indeed rejuvenate your body. Just eat this way

Body functions will gradually decline over time. How to reverse aging and rejuvenate is everyone's pursuit and wish. The latest research has found that as long as you do two things right in your diet, you have a chance to make all body functions younger.

Aging is a physiological process that is difficult to reverse, causing cardiovascular problems, dementia, and various chronic diseases that people avoid. However, although aging is inevitable, two studies have found that through correct diet, various organs and metabolism can be rejuvenated as we age. The reason is that diet can affect DNA.

Eight weeks of vegetarianism changed gene expression, and all physiological indexes became younger

The first study was a twin study published in BMC Medicine. This study by the Stanford Prevention Research Center divided 21 pairs of adult twins with an average BMI of 26 into a vegan group and an omnivorous group. The study was conducted for 8 weeks. In addition to looking at physiological and psychological conditions, cells were also used. Age was used to test whether the subjects' organs, metabolism, hormones, etc. were reduced; the vegan group avoided eating animal-derived foods, while the omnivorous group ate milk, eggs, meat, fruits and vegetables.

The study found that only the vegan group's cell age was reduced, including the heart, liver, endocrine system, metabolic system, and endocrine system, which were "rejuvenated" and the inflammatory index was also reduced. However, the omnivorous group also showed good changes, mainly because they consumed more animal protein, so their tryptophan increased and their mood was happier and more stable.

Diet can affect DNA and rejuvenate body organs and metabolism.

Sugar-free can reduce physiological age, even if a healthy diet encounters sugar, it will not work

Another study is to study the differences between the Mediterranean diet, Alternative Healthy Eating and Epigenetic Nutrient diets from the perspective of nutrients. The characteristics of these three diets include:

Mediterranean diet: Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, fish, olive oil, and avoid processed meats.

Alternative healthy diet: high intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and legumes, low intake of sugary drinks, juices and alcohol.

Epigenetic nutritional diet: not using food, but using nutrients as the standard, high intake of folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants (such as vitamins C and E), moderate intake of dietary fiber .

The study randomly divided 342 subjects into 3 groups and were given the above dietary patterns, but did not limit sugar intake. That is to say, in addition to eating the diet specified in the study, the subjects were not stipulated how to eat additional sugar, so as to understand Effects of sugar on cell age.

The results showed that these three diets can reduce physiological age. Among them, the Mediterranean diet is the most significant, and can make cells younger by 0.41 years. That is 7.3 days of aging. Even if you do not consume more than 25 grams of sugar a day, eating 25 grams of sugar will make your cells age 183 days.

DNA is like computer hardware, and "bugs" can be fixed by acquired diet and good living habits.

These two studies concluded that cell age can be reversed through diet, and they both mentioned "DNA methylation". How to explain it?

Functional medicine nutritionist Lu likes that DNA is like computer hardware, which can be matched with many software, that is, "methylation". Different software can allow this computer to have different functions, and at the same time, "bugs" can be removed and updated regularly. Close faulty code, open or maintain normal code operation.

Whether methylation can be normal depends on acquired living habits. If living habits are poor and DNA methylation function is abnormal, too many "bugs" will accumulate and crash, causing many genes on DNA to not function normally, such as anti-cancer. Genes, anti-aging genes, etc., leading to chronic diseases or genetic diseases.

Many studies have found that even if there are genetic diseases, they may not occur through acquired diet, nutritional intake and lifestyle adjustments. This is because DNA methylation is well-regulated, so the chance of abnormal manifestations is reduced.

These two dietary experiments both explore the impact of food or nutrients on "DNA methylation". They found that as long as you eat a healthy diet, well-regulated DNA methylation will turn on anti-aging genes and turn off aging genes, so you can reach the age of your cells. Regarding the rejuvenation effect, "The phytochemicals in vegetable food provide better anti-inflammatory effects and reduce oxidative stress. The body can repair DNA regularly. At the same time, phytochemicals can also protect cells. The benefits of these fruits and vegetables can rejuvenate cells," Lu Meibao explain.

Can a vegan diet win? Expert: Not necessarily, this is the only healthy way to eat

Reducing sugar in the diet is generally considered the right thing to do, but is a vegan diet really healthy? Lucia Aronica, a researcher at the Preventive Medicine Research Center at Stanford University, pointed out that although a vegan diet can rejuvenate cells, this does not mean that the vegan diet has won. “The human body needs various nutrients, and long-term vegan diets will lead to nutritional deficiencies. You can eat eggs and milk and avoid processed foods and sugar to be truly healthy."

Nutritionists said that the study was based on eating a pure vegetarian diet for 8 weeks, so it may not be possible to see what nutrients the body lacks. If you eat a pure vegetarian diet for a long time, you may lack protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, calcium, etc. from animal foods. , so it is recommended to make up for the nutritional gap, or switch to lacto-evo-vegetarian so as not to lack nutrients. If you are unable to eat completely vegetarian food, you can implement a Mediterranean diet, but you can eat vegetarian food a few times a month to keep your body healthy and save energy and reduce emissions.


