2024年10月6日 星期日

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Host : BP Wang & Yen Of STW

Edit: OF of GCIOSGF 

https://forms.gle/BznfYiigynXabUaz8 蔬食薈章程及入會表


Green vegetables, golden grains, colorful fruits and nuts , in the vegetarian world, food is not only the taste, but also an attitude towards life. The monthly meeting of the Southern District Fashion Veggie Club of GCIOSGF on October 5th is also the first month of the second year of the South TW Fashion Veggie Club of GCIOSGF new leadership of the Vegetarian Club. Thank you for your hosting and participation. I wish Vegetarian Food Club a prosperous conference and a strong team under the leadership of presidents at all levels and the active participation and response of members. Eating vegetarian food to save the earth is an action that more people can and want take and Participate.


GCIOSGF 時尚蔬食薈 3 月舉行每月蔬食一次救地球活動

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊 Host :SBP:Angel Wang           NBP : Ben Lee           Edit: OF 本會時尚蔬食會南北臺灣分會於前日昨日分別舉行了每月蔬食一次一次救地球月例會活動 The North and ...