gciosgeneralfederation@gmail.com GCIOSGF is a federation registered with the Ministry of the Interior.本會為內政部立案成立的非營利組織。 GCIOSGF is a borderless follow-up exchange, friendship, communication, innovation, competition, and elite federation that integrates graduates after graduating from various schools abroad. .大中華留學生全球總會是一個在國外學校畢業後的留學生一個各校融合,無國界的 後續交流,友誼,溝通,創新,競技,菁英的聯合總會。
2024年2月13日 星期二
紀實紐約,洛杉磯,倫敦,巴黎成都2024 的龍年春節
2024年1月31日 星期三
下午茶和下午茶的故事 The story of Low tea at low tea time
GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:
Whenever the clock strikes three or four, the world stops for a moment for tea.
The English low tea introduced today can be traced back to 1662, when the Portuguese princess Catherine, who married King Charles II of England, came there with many expensive dowry items, which included some black tea and tea from beautiful Chinese tea sets.
In that era, the value of black tea could be equal to that of jewelry at that time, and each royal family followed this after seeing their new queen brewing tea so elegantly. At that time, tea tasting became a symbol of nobility. Since then , this “low tea” trend has spread.
As we all know, Queen Elizabeth II is very fond of low tea. The media has previously exposed the Queen’s daily recipes, in which low tea is definitely one of the parts that cannot be ignored. Tea is absolutely indispensable for the Queen, and she must bring tea and snacks with her even when traveling.
Whenever we talk about topics such as the Queen of England and low tea, there is one place that we have to mention, the black tea produced in Wuzhishan of China.
According to historical records, the black tea that was introduced to Britain at that time was Shuiman black tea from Wuzhishanshuimanxiang.
Shuiman Tea is a wild tea from Wuzhi Mountain. It is grown in the clouds and mist all year round and is mellow and sweet. It is mainly distributed in the Wuzhi Mountain area. It is original, pollution-free and has very little output. It is one of the rarest alpine tea species in the world and was designated as a tribute as early as the Qing Dynasty.
Elegant British low tea time
Get together with members
Amber soup, milky honey-flavored water-filled black tea
Paired with cakes, biscuits and other exquisite snacks
In the sunny afternoon
Enjoy the leisurely and quiet time
Fashion Veggie Club’s Low Tea Time
Beautiful tablecloths, exquisite saucers
Decorated with romantic flowers and elegant light music
Create a natural, relaxed and pleasant atmosphere
Enjoy afternoon tea in such an atmosphere
The whole life becomes more comfortable and soothing of course, including the friendship and communication.
2024年1月29日 星期一
2024年1月20日 星期六
GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:
Organizer: 謝長峻
Edit: OF
Eating 15 vegetarian meals can reduce 12 kilograms of carbon emissions, which is equivalent to planting a tree.
Everyone is encouraged to eat vegetarian food, plant trees, and love the earth!
◎The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Chairman Dr. Pachauri and world leaders, experts and politicians all unanimously pointed out: Meat is the main cause of global warming, and being vegetarian can immediately reduce carbon emissions.
◎The Environmental Protection Agency has also launched a 1kg carbon reduction campaign per person per day. As long as we don’t eat meat for one meal a day, we can reduce 780g of carbon dioxide.
◎Amount of carbon dioxide emitted by diet:
*Producing one kilogram of beef produces 36.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
*Meat eaters produce 1,500 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year from their diet.
*A vegetarian diet produces 430 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year.
*If people in Taiwan don’t eat meat for one day, they can reduce 161,000,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards adopting a vegetarian lifestyle, driven by concerns for our health and the environment. Concurrently, the fashion industry has also been embracing sustainability and ethical practices. Now, these two worlds are colliding, giving birth to a powerful movement where veggie and fashion go hand in hand.
Ethical fashion is all about making conscious choices that respect both human welfare and the environment. Just like the decision to follow a vegetarian diet which avoids harm to animals, meanwhile eating vegetables can also reduce the CO2 emissions.The research shows that 15persons having the vegetables meals at the same time one time is equal to plant one tree. The most important thing is you can become more charming ,healthier, prettier ,and more fashionable via eating vegetables often.
The intersection of vegetarianism and fashion presents a unique opportunity to promote sustainability, ethical practices, and healthier choices. As the popularity of both movements continues to grow, we can expect to see even more exciting collaborations and innovations in the world of veggie fashion. By making conscious choices, we can be stylish and compassionate while advocating for a more sustainable and animal-friendly planet.Warmly welcome you to join us Fashion Veggie Club Of GCIOSGF.
GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: 文章來源:人民日報夜讀 看過一句話, “擋在你面前的,只有你自己。” 人的視野和認知都有邊界,這些邊界很大程度 會影響自己的選擇。認知半徑大的人,更能 看到事物的本質,思考問題也會更深入和長遠。 想要拓寬自己的認知, 就要多讀書。讀...
GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: 總會長連假期間和不同階層的朋友們茶敘,發現飛機師,遠洋輪艦等專家和醫師們關心的議題不一樣,前者喜歡的是民生問題和英日文的流利溝通問題,而後者大概是做的救死扶傷的工作吧,整個咖啡敘的時間就是在擔心台灣發生戰爭的問題和俄烏的戰事問題。他們...
GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: 旅遊見聞講座 主持:會長 Lizsight : 有人沒到過的地方 整理:特約會務 疫情解封後,大家都在計畫著旅遊了 今天給大家介紹這座古老而奇特的秘魯城市伊卡 伊卡(Ica)一座無雨的城市,它古老神秘,位於秘魯西南部,有著自己獨特的...
GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: 近日,美國美中關係全國委員會在美國組織了一次公開的交流活動,邀請了美中雙方的部分人員共同參與。 按理來說,既然是在美國辦的活動,那作為東道主的美國人就該客客氣氣的。誰知,整個會議的氛圍卻出人意料地充滿了火藥味。 在這次活動上,美國印...
GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: 主持:會長 演講:Pros 整理:會務 日前,美國政治新聞網發出了一篇“警示”文章,大概內容就是警告五角大樓,如果在未來的台海上,中美一旦開戰,美軍很有可能無法取得勝利。 美媒警告拜登:傲慢自大並不能遏制中國,認清現實才能拯救美國!...
GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊: https://forms.gle/sNyXVwvbiDxJSo397 蔬食薈入會表暨入會須知 玩咖悅讀匯MERRY READING TIME Host: NP Edit: OF 新數據:飲食的確能讓身體回春 只要這樣吃 閱讀學習英...
GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: Host :SRCE Celine Zhao of Kaohsiung NRCE Shuhua Lu of Taipei NRCE Sophia Wu of Taibei ...
GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: Host:NP Edit: OF https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOgkEoF1yzyBioCORJI4V7swW8B3G1iQ47FQXBtSBONm3-Iw/viewform...
GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: Host: NP Edit:Qianyu 1.The capital of Canada is Ottawa. It is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Pacific ...
GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: 下午茶聊人性 此內容應會員要求而討論 會長引言 整理會務 打壓者 阿德勒說過:“喜歡詆毀或貶低他人是虛榮者普遍都有的一種性格。” 這樣的人往往有否定情節,擅長靠打壓和貶低別人獲取個人優越感。 他們有的借助陰陽怪氣的話語,有的借助蔑...