2023年2月1日 星期三


 Have a vegetarian meal once a month to make the earth comfortable once

The fashion Veggie Club Of GCIOSGF committed to promoting healthy vegetarian lifestyles and building a low-carbon and green community. Through online and offline activities, we will continue to provide the latest vegetarian knowledge and healthy recipes, as well as organizes various. hope that everyone can join us in learning more about vegetarianism and living a healthier and greener life. Together, let's create a more sustainable future!

The presidents of the Fashion Veggie Club  Of GCIOSGF are working hard to lead everyone in energy conservation and carbon reduction, learning and exchanging delicious vegetarian dishes.

The Fashion Veggie Club Of GCIOSGF is proud to partner with some companies to promote corporate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) initiatives. Through our joint efforts, we are aiming to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. As part of our partnership, we will be providing educational resources on vegetarianism and sustainable living, as well as organizing events and activities to raise awareness of ESG and its importance. We hope that through our collaboration, we can make a positive impact on our environment and our communities.






GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊 Host : VNP Edit  OF  如果不是純素食者,會吃奶蛋。就是Lacto-Ovo vegetarian(奶蛋素)。如果雞蛋的取得夠人道,不傷害雞,那是最好的了。其實許多該從動物身上得到的營養素,現在也能透過植物攝取到。很多人...