2024年10月14日 星期一






目前全球都在進行救地球降溫運動,目前地球因過度使用開發,浪費,已不堪負荷,氣候暖化越來越嚴重,兩年前歐盟等所提出的要達到1.5度C 似乎永遠遙不可及,10月9日總會長在世界投資週論壇中記下了台灣碳權交易所田總經理所講出來的數據:不是每棵樹都能吸收二氧化碳,台灣只有相思樹可以,且只有6-10年的樹才可以吸收非常少的二氧化碳,古樹根本無此功能,現在台灣和全世界所要努力達成的降溫目標是不要升溫至3度。因為到3·3度,全球就會灰飛煙滅,目前的溫度在2·6c 。這些數據在在說明吃蔬食是最有效,最省錢最容易做到的節能減排,防止地球暖化的方式。因此,我們GCIOSGF時尚蔬食薈做了最時尚最永續最友善地球的事,它不但有利地球,有利國家,有利動物,有利環境,它更有利自己與家人的健康和福份!總會堅信這個吃蔬食救地球的話題與活動只會越來越夯,永不退流行。因此,各會長和其團體需承擔起管理推廣整個GCIOSGF時尚蔬食薈吃蔬食救地球的意義非凡的活動團體,相信在會長們和其團隊的總籌和帶領下能夠延續其宗旨,更進一步推動拓展,時尚蔬食薈將會有更多創新與突破,和得到更多人的響應與參與。讓我們的友善地球,健康自己的理念越來越深入人心,越多人加入這個時尚生活,永續救地球,潮健康的蔬食薈,那麼淨零,降低暖化,Go green 就不是一個無法達成目標的口號!






Dear Fashion Veggie Clubs’ presidents, leaders and all members

Here, we would like to take this opportunity to express our most sincere gratitude to the presidents and all leaders and members of Fashion Veggie Club. Thank you and all members for your hard work and selfless dedication. Each monthly meeting held by you closely adheres to the purpose: energy saving and carbon reduction, friendliness to the environment, and the sustainable and fashionable concept of eating vegetables to save the earth, and strive to make our Fashion Veggie Clubs was not only successfully established, but also allowed each participant to understand our own survival mission: as earthlings, we must work hard to maintain the pure greenness of the earth! Because it is good for the earth, the simple benevolence of Accumulating blessings for our families , with the joint efforts of the president, team and everyone, has attracted like-minded people to join the fashion veggie club-gathering that benefits both self and others. At the federation of GCIOSGF with the joint efforts of the presidents and everyone and mutual support, various activities were carried out smoothly, which not only enhanced everyone’s understanding of vegetarian culture, but also promoted everyone‘s cohesion. Once again, the presidents of the Federation GCIOSGF and all the cadres and members who have joined Fashion Veggie Clubs,because of you, every activity of GCIOSGF Fashion Veggie Clubs  is more successful, and our concept of eating vegetables to save the earth can be spread.

The world is currently engaged in a global cooling campaign. The earth is currently overloaded due to overuse, development, and waste. Climate warming is getting more and more serious. The goal of reaching 1.5 degrees Celsius proposed by the European Union and others two years ago seems to be forever out of reach. On October 9, the president of GCIOSGF noted the data given by General Manager Tian of the Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange at the World Investment Week Forum: Not every tree can absorb carbon dioxide. Only acacia trees in Taiwan can, and only 6-10 year-old trees can absorb very little carbon dioxide, but the old trees can’t. Ancient trees have no such function at all. The cooling goal that Taiwan and the world must strive to achieve is not to raise the temperature to 3 degrees. Because at 3.3 degrees, the world will be wiped out. The current temperature is 2.6 degrees Celsius. These data prove that eating a vegetable diet is the most effective, cheapest and easiest way to save energy, reduce emissions, and prevent global warming. Therefore, our GCIOSGF fashionable vegetable food gathering has done the most fashionable, sustainable and earth-friendly thing. It is not only beneficial to the earth, the country, animals, and the environment, but it is also beneficial to the health and well-being of ourselves and our families! I always firmly believe that this topic and activity of eating vegetables to save the earth will only become more and more popular and will never go out of fashion. Therefore, the presidents and their groups need to take on the responsibility of managing and promoting the entire GCIOSGF Fashion Vegetarian Gathering, a meaningful activity group that eats vegetables to save the earth. I believe that under the general planning and leadership of the presidents and their teams, all can continue our purpose. By further promoting the expansion, Fashion Veggie Clubs will have more innovations and breakthroughs, and receive more responses and participation from people. Let our concepts of being kind to the earth and healthy ourselves become more and more popular among the people. The more people join this fashionable life, sustainably save the earth, and trend healthy vegetarian meals gatherings, then net zero and reduce global warming, Go green will not be an impossible to achievable goals!

Let us work together to promote vegetarianism to save the earth, promote healthy and fashionable activities and development, and contribute to a comfortable environment and a healthy and long-lived lifestyle. We look forward to every achievement in the future being the result of our joint efforts.

Thank you all!


Best wishes

GCIOSGF Fashion Veggie Clubs’ events are prosperous and prosperous!

From GCIOSGF General President

2024年10月6日 星期日

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Host : BP Wang & Yen Of STW

Edit: OF of GCIOSGF 

https://forms.gle/BznfYiigynXabUaz8 蔬食薈章程及入會表


Green vegetables, golden grains, colorful fruits and nuts , in the vegetarian world, food is not only the taste, but also an attitude towards life. The monthly meeting of the Southern District Fashion Veggie Club of GCIOSGF on October 5th is also the first month of the second year of the South TW Fashion Veggie Club of GCIOSGF new leadership of the Vegetarian Club. Thank you for your hosting and participation. I wish Vegetarian Food Club a prosperous conference and a strong team under the leadership of presidents at all levels and the active participation and response of members. Eating vegetarian food to save the earth is an action that more people can and want take and Participate.


