2024年7月31日 星期三


GCIOSGF Newsletter 
GCIOSGF 時尚蔬食薈每月蔬食一次救地球



在地球暖化嚴重之當前,大中華留學生全球總會時尚蔬食薈的目的是集眾人力量每月吃一次蔬食救地球,給自己和家人積福德,同時也給自己的腸胃每月清爽一次。讓自己活得更健康長壽。蔬食薈勿政治,勿宗教,勿直銷,勿拉保險。只針對當前環保綠能議題與自我提升增進友誼等相關議題推廣活動。時尚蔬食薈任何人都可參加無年齡學歷要求.歡迎大家加入這個非常有意義的社團。謝謝!At a time when global warming is serious, the purpose of the Fashion Veggie of GCIOSGF is to gather everyone’s efforts to eat vegetarian food once a month to save the earth, accumulate merit for yourself and your family, and also refresh your stomach every month once. make yourself healthier and live longer. Fashion Veggie Club is not about politics, religion, direct sales, or insurance. We only promote activities related to current environmental protection, green energy issues, self-improvement and friendship enhancement, etc. Anyone can join Fashion Veggie Club, no age or academic requirements required. Welcome everyone to join this very meaningful club.Thanks!




GCIOSGF 時尚蔬食薈 3 月舉行每月蔬食一次救地球活動

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊 Host :SBP:Angel Wang           NBP : Ben Lee           Edit: OF 本會時尚蔬食會南北臺灣分會於前日昨日分別舉行了每月蔬食一次一次救地球月例會活動 The North and ...