2024年7月28日 星期日

吃15次蔬食可減少? 公斤碳排

 GCIOSGF Newsletter :

Fashion Veggie Club of GCIOSGF 歡迎大家加入每月一次蔬食救地球活動












Eating 15 vegetarian meals can reduce 12 kilograms of carbon emissions, which is equivalent to planting a tree.

Everyone actively participates in eating vegetarian food, planting trees, and loving the earth!

◎The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Chairman Dr. Pachauri and world leaders, experts and politicians all unanimously pointed out that meat is the main cause of global warming, and eating vegetables can immediately reduce carbon emissions.

◎The Environmental Protection Agency has launched a 1kg carbon reduction campaign per person per day. As long as we don’t eat meat for one meal a day, we can reduce 780g of carbon dioxide.

◎Amount of carbon dioxide emitted by diet:

*Producing one kilogram of beef produces 36.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide.

*Meat eaters produce 1,500 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year from their diet.

*Vegetarians’ diet produces 430 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year.

*If people in Taiwan don’t eat meat for one day, they can reduce 161,000,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide.




GCIOSGF 時尚蔬食薈 3 月舉行每月蔬食一次救地球活動

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊 Host :SBP:Angel Wang           NBP : Ben Lee           Edit: OF 本會時尚蔬食會南北臺灣分會於前日昨日分別舉行了每月蔬食一次一次救地球月例會活動 The North and ...