2024年8月15日 星期四


 GCIOSGF Newsletter 

English leaning 

Host : NP

Edit: OF 

psychic [ˋsaɪkɪk] 靈媒 

🔸medium [ˋmidɪəm] 靈媒、乩童 

🔸gift [gɪft] 天賦、天命 

(例句)She has a gift for talking to dead people.


🔸shaman [ˋʃɑmən] 仙姑、師父師姐 (執行收驚等)

(例句)The kid’s grandmother took him to a shaman for his night terrors.


🔸spirit-rebalancing 收驚

🔸to ward off evil spirits.避邪

(例句)She had a car accident last week, so she went to a temple to get her a spirt-rebalancing.


🔸paper charm 符

🔸incense ash 香灰

(例句)The shaman made him drink a mixture of water and the ashes from a burnt paper charm.


🔸sixth-sense 第六感

Sofia: AHHHH!!! Why are you screaming? You scared the hell out of me!


Bob: YOU scared the hell out of me! Why are you sneaking around?


Sofia: No, I’m not! ( staring at Bob ) Are you alright?

Sofia:我才沒有!(看著 Bob)你還好嗎?

Bob: …This remind me of my childhood memory. There was a time when I had a fever for days, my grandmother believed that I must have been possessed by something so she took me to a Taoist shaman.


Sofia: She thought you need a siu-kiann.


Bob: Yes, she thought there must be something to exorcise.



Possessed (adj.) 卡到陰,著魔的

Possess作動詞代表「擁有」(to have,to own),同時也有「支配」的意思,形容詞以possessed表示,指的是「被什麼所支配;著魔的」,也就是我們俗稱的「卡到陰」。

Demi possessed the talent of playing musical instrument.

Demi 擁有演奏樂器的天賦。

Tom’s life was possessed by his wife.

Tom 的生活受他老婆所支配。

She must have been possessed to buy that hideous hat!


Taoist shaman (n.) 師公

Taoist為形容詞,意思是「道教的」(Taoism 為「道教」的英文說法),而shaman原先用來專指「薩滿巫師」,後來延伸為用來泛指「民間信仰的法師」,Taoist shaman指的即是廟裡的「師公」。

The rite of siu-kiann was hold by a Taoist shaman.


Exorcise (v.) 驅魔

Exorcise意指「驅魔;驅邪」(小心別和另一個動詞 exercise「運動」搞混哦!) ,exorcist則是指「驅魔師」。

After the priest exorcised the girl, the girl regained her health.



Sofia: What did you think of the rite then?


Bob: Well, all I remember now is that my grandmother asked me to drink a mixture of water and charm paper.


Sofia: Wow…

Sofia:哇 ……

Bob: Yeah, it was terrible. However, after that my fever did go away.


Sofia: Seriously?


Bob: In fact, now I seem to recall something… I recall something I saw in the dark alley a few days ago before the fever.

Bob:事實上,我現在好像記起了一件事 ……。我回想起發燒前我在暗暗的巷子裡看到了什麼。

Sofia: Do… do you think that’s a ghost?

Sofia:你是說 ……你是說看到鬼嗎?

Bob: It’s hard to say…

Bob:這很難說 ……

Rite (n.) 儀式

Rite為名詞,意思是「儀式」,如 religious rite「宗教儀式」、funeral rite「喪禮儀式」。

The Catholic parents had their baby baptized according to religious rite.


Mixture of water and charm paper (n.) 符水

Charm paper的意思是「咒文;符咒」,mixture則代表「混合物」。因此, mixture of water and charm paper 指的即是「水和符咒的混合物」,也就是「符水」。

Bob listened to his grandmother and drank the mixture of water and charm paper.

Bob 聽阿嬤的話把符水喝了下去。

Ghost (n.) 鬼

ghost 的意思是「鬼怪;鬼;幽靈」。另外為大家補充幾個相關單字,包括代表「鬧鬼的」的haunted,以及「鬼故事」的英文說法ghost story。

That old hotel must be possessed by ghosts. Three people went into it and never came out.


That old hotel is said to be haunted.





GCIOSGF 時尚蔬食薈 3 月舉行每月蔬食一次救地球活動

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊 Host :SBP:Angel Wang           NBP : Ben Lee           Edit: OF 本會時尚蔬食會南北臺灣分會於前日昨日分別舉行了每月蔬食一次一次救地球月例會活動 The North and ...