2024年8月20日 星期二

Break up, give up, leave

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Merry reading time玩咖悦讀匯

Host : NP

Edit: OF 

Obviously, some social relationships have caused us trouble, but it is always difficult to let go, or we don’t know how to let go.

Non-essential social networking

Many people always say that they are too busy, so busy that they have no time to live, read, or cook a meal for themselves, but they don’t know what they are really busy with.

When most people are like this, this kind of ineffective busyness becomes a kind of blind obedience and makes people accustomed. If you want to get rid of ineffective busyness and fatigue, an important first step is to streamline your online social interactions.

In online social networking, we will inevitably create many groups. Friends group, colleague group, company group, project group, grocery shopping group, industry group, coupon group, community group... Everyone has multiple groups with different functions, but in these groups, 80% of the information It is worthless, but it silently consumes our time.

Sometimes I can’t help but look at what is said in the group, sometimes I chat with my colleagues about gossip or complaints, and sometimes I argue with others. We spend a lot of time and energy in chat groups without realizing it. However, time is wasted for no reason, which will shorten our effective time and make life busy and tiring.

In addition to chat groups, friend restrictions and social network posts also need to streamline social interactions. The first thing to do to stop socializing on the Internet is to “delete” it. Delete useless chat groups, delete advertising promotions, or friends who were added at unknown times.

Secondly, a relatively simple and direct way to stop socializing is “time management”, plan your time well, and gradually reduce your time for socializing online. For example, there was originally no time limit for reading messages, but now it only takes half an hour to play. Then gradually reduce the frequency and frequency of online social interactions.

In addition, use mute mode appropriately, turn off group notifications that are not convenient to exit directly, friends that are not suitable for direct deletion, and silence individual friends’ social posts that you do not want to see. Make good use of social functions and gradually reduce unnecessary energy consumption.

frequent recreational gatherings

Getting together with friends occasionally can relieve stress and relax your body and mind. But frequent gatherings and pastimes can easily make people fall into emptiness without realizing it. Life seems lively, but a certain part of my heart is hollowed out.

We need to be even more vigilant about some recreational gatherings in the workplace. After we start working, the people we interact with the most, besides family members, are our colleagues. You can attend occasional gatherings for the purpose of connecting emotionally, but if you gather too frequently and always complain about the company when you get together, it will take a lot of time and effort. Such gatherings are nutritious and can easily lead to unnecessary disputes.

Therefore, just participate in recreational gatherings in moderation. Only by making time and space for yourself, cultivating your own hobbies and building your own spiritual world can you make your life more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Unequal party entertainment

Unequal party entertainment is often tiring and of low value. The so-called asymmetry covers many aspects.

(1) Resource imbalance

Many people are willing to participate in some social activities for the sake of work and personal development. But in reality, many situations are like attending a lot of parties, collecting a lot of business cards, and adding a lot of friends, but in the end nothing happens. Because if you do not have exchangeable resources, or your resources do not have equivalent value, then such entertainment is often difficult to achieve the purpose of resource exchange.

(2) Inconsistency in cognitive levels and values

Why are some gatherings of family and friends so offensive? Why do your relationships gradually fade after some friends succeed in their careers? Why do some industry celebrities seem so aloof?

These interpersonal problems are actually caused by asymmetry in cognitive levels and values. Some relatives like to compare their children’s jobs, incomes, houses, and cars with each other, and urge you to get married and have children, because this is their long-established value standard.

Some friends who have successful careers are not nostalgic, but they may have seen the vast world, gained more knowledge, and led busier lives. Apart from reminiscing about the past, they have little to talk about with old friends.

Some well-known people in the industry may seem “cold”, but it’s probably just that your perceptions are not at the same level. Say something you don’t understand and you still have to explain ten sentences. It’s better to maintain a polite social distance.

Therefore, gatherings and entertainment where there is a large gap in cognitive levels and values ​​should be appropriately streamlined. If you must attend, prepare countermeasures and end it early.

(3) Economic conditions vary greatly

Economic conditions cannot be used as a criterion for making friends, but if they are very different from each other, you should also attend such gatherings selectively. If you are friends who have been together for many years, you will already have a accustomed way of getting along, and you can adapt to each other. If they are new friends and both parties don’t know enough about each other, the gathering process is likely to make both parties uncomfortable.

Many people attend gatherings of old classmates, relatives and friends, and afterward they always complain about someone showing off their wealth, or someone having too many rules and being fake. In the end, the poor feel that the rich show off and show off whatever they lack; the rich feel that

Poor people have low self-esteem. No matter what they do, others think they are showing off.

Regardless of what is right or wrong for the moment, such conflicts are essentially due to the different economic conditions of the two parties, and their living habits and values ​​are naturally different.

Everyone will face different social situations. The division of the above categories is only an example. To put it simply, you can refer to such standards to make choices about the social activities you want to participate in.

Participate in more social interactions to improve yourself. Increasing knowledge, exercising abilities, enriching experiences, etc. This kind of social interaction that helps self-development and self-growth is more worth the time and energy.



































