2024年9月29日 星期日


GCIOSGF sustainable Promotion Environmental Conservation Alliance :"GCIOSGF Sustainable Supervision Promotion Environmental Conservation Alliance" is an organization of GCIOSGF dedicated to the promotion of sustainable regulation(supervision) and the preservation of the environment. We work towards fostering a harmonious balance between economic development and ecological protection. Through various initiatives, campaigns, and partnerships, we aim to raise awareness about environmental issues and advocate for regulatory measures that support long-term sustainability. Our alliance strives to create a greener and more sustainable future for our planet by engaging with stakeholders, conducting research, and implementing practical solutions. Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment and ensure a better world for future generations. 年費600 NTD Annual fee:  NTD :600.

GCIOSGF永續監管促進環境保護聯盟:「GCIOSGF永續監管促進環境保護聯盟」是GCIOSGF致力於促進永續監管(監管)和環境保護的組織。我們致力於促進經濟發展與生態保護的和諧平衡。透過各種倡議、活動和合作夥伴關係,我們旨在提高人們對環境議題的認識,並倡導支持長期永續發展的監管措施。我們的聯盟致力於透過與利害關係人合作、進行研究和實施切實可行的解決方案,為我們的星球創造一個更綠色、更永續的未來。我們可以齊心協力,對環境產生正面影響,確保為子孫後代創造一個更美好的世界。會員費:年費600新台幣 年費:新台幣:600元。

匯款帳號:戶名1193979128002 大中華留學生全球總會玉山銀行東門分行 808
REMITTANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER E.SUN Bank Dong branch 1193979128002




