2022年10月19日 星期三


GCIOSGF Newsletter 大中華留學生全球總會會訊:

from 達人










9,所以流量為王,就是這個時代的財富密碼,明星、網紅、直播帶貨,都是這個邏輯,所以這個時代,資產是不是有多了一樣,那就是流量資產,你每天能夠通過內容, 穩定觸達到多少粉絲?這個粉絲體量,就是你的流量資產。





3.0時代,移動互聯網崛起,微信火得一塌糊塗,2014年微商開始嶄露頭角,2016年開始瘋狂,可惜那個時候,我瞧不起微商, 不屑於乾這個,眼看著身邊的朋友,日進斗金,當年這些人都是求著見我,讓我給他們做品牌策劃案,現在我想見這些人,約都約不上。



2022年10月18日 星期二

The benefits of joining GCIOSGF 會員好康報您知~(入會申請須知Membership Application Instructions)


The benefits of joining GCIOSGF 會員好康報您知~(入會申請須知Membership Application Instructions)

 The benefits of joining  GCIOSGF 會員好康報您知~

入會申請須知Membership Application Instructions




Welcome to GCIOSGF

Below is the sample of our membership card for this year.2022-2023

1)The purpose of the GCIOSGF is to foster innovation, competition, communication, friendship, and excellence among its members. In order to achieve this, the Federation has developed the following work plan:

Encourage members to participate in academic and extracurricular competitions in order to develop their skills and showcase their talents.

Establish a network of mentors and advisors to provide guidance and support to members seeking to pursue higher education or careers in their chosen fields.

Organize regular events and activities, such as seminars, workshops, and social gatherings, to facilitate networking and friendship among members.

Provide opportunities for members to engage in community service and volunteerism in order to develop a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement.

Support members in their academic and professional pursuits by providing access to resources, such as scholarships, internships, and job opportunities.

Promote the values of innovation, competition, communication, friendship, and excellence among members and the wider community.

By implementing this work plan, the Union aims to create a supportive and enriching environment for its members, and to help them achieve their full potential as global citizens.

2)The GCIOSGF for Overseas Students welcomes foreign students studying in Taiwan and foreign clerks in Taiwan to join our global community. We offer a platform for networking and support, as well as opportunities for personal and professional development. Taiwan.

The purpose of the GCIOSGF is to foster innovation, competition, communication, friendship, and excellence among its members. In order to achieve this, the Federation has developed the following work plan:

Encourage members to participate in academic and extracurricular competitions in order to develop their skills and showcase their talents.

Establish a network of mentors and advisors to provide guidance and support to members seeking to pursue higher education or careers in their chosen fields.

Organize regular events and activities, such as seminars, workshops, and social gatherings, to facilitate networking and friendship among members.

Provide opportunities for members to engage in community service and volunteerism in order to develop a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement.

Support members in their academic and professional pursuits by providing access to resources, such as scholarships, internships, and job opportunities.

Promote the values of innovation, competition, communication, friendship, and excellence among members and the wider community.

By implementing this work plan, the Union aims to create a supportive and enriching environment for its members, and to help them achieve their full potential as global citizens.


If you are a foreigner, you can study Chinese for 80 hours /year for free after joining the membership. If you are a Chinese, you can study English for free for 80 hours/year after joining the membership. 

As well as getting priority access to various activities .


During the epidemic period, the membership fee was revised by the membership meeting as follows :

If you want to join, there's an entrance fee of 1000 TWD and an annual membership fee of TWD 500,本會入會費1000元新台幣,常年會費500元新台幣。終身年費 Lifetime annual fee:35000NTD.. 顧問費 Consultant fee : 16000NTD 榮譽會長費 Honorary chairman fee:60000NTD

The purpose of GCIOSGF 本會宗旨:掌握最新資訊動態,於世界各大主體接軌,創新,競技 溝通,交流, 菁英,友誼 

Grasp the latest information trends, connect with the world's major player . Innovation,competition,communication,exchange,elite and friendship .

This federation is a non-profit public welfare social organization of which the purpose is to engage in all-round international exchanges, study , cooperation, and friendship. This is a global, industry-wide non-profit social federation formed voluntarily by individuals, educational institutions, related enterprises and institutions with foreign country studying  experiences or the foreigners who have study experiences  in Taiwan, China, Singapore, and  Honking.  The purpose is to conduct all-round and extensive international exchanges, and conduct all-round and full-scale exchanges and cooperation in various fields such as education, technology, economy, finance, culture, literature, art, music ,dance and etc. with all parts of the world, enhance understanding and friendship, and promote inter-industry development ,social progress and harmony.

All in our Federation are in accordance with laws and regulations of the government .本協會為非以營利為目的之公益性社會團體,以從事全方位國際交流,學習,合作,增進友誼為宗旨。任何凡具有留學經歷之個人,教育機構,相關企事業單位或在台灣,中國,新加坡香港等留遊學經歷之外國人等自願組成的俱全球性,全行業性的非營利性社會團體。目的在於全方位國際間廣泛交流,與世界各地進行教育,科技,經濟,金融,文化文學藝術音樂舞蹈等暨各個領域的全方位全領域的廣泛交流與合作,增進了解和友誼,促進各行業間的發展和社會進步與和諧 。

1)The purpose of the GCIOSGF is to foster innovation, competition, communication, friendship, and excellence among its members. In order to achieve this, the Federation has developed the following work plan:

Encourage members to participate in academic and extracurricular competitions in order to develop their skills and showcase their talents.

Establish a network of mentors and advisors to provide guidance and support to members seeking to pursue higher education or careers in their chosen fields.

Organize regular events and activities, such as seminars, workshops, and social gatherings, to facilitate networking and friendship among members.

Provide opportunities for members to engage in community service and volunteerism in order to develop a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement.

Support members in their academic and professional pursuits by providing access to resources, such as scholarships, internships, and job opportunities.

Promote the values of innovation, competition, communication, friendship, and excellence among members and the wider community.

By implementing this work plan, the Union aims to create a supportive and enriching environment for its members, and to help them achieve their full potential as global citizens.

2)The GCIOSGF for Overseas Students welcomes foreign students studying in Taiwan and foreign clerks in Taiwan to join our global community. We offer a platform for networking and support, as well as opportunities for personal and professional development. Taiwan.

The purpose of the GCIOSGF is to foster innovation, competition, communication, friendship, and excellence among its members. In order to achieve this, the Federation has developed the following work plan:

Encourage members to participate in academic and extracurricular competitions in order to develop their skills and showcase their talents.

Establish a network of mentors and advisors to provide guidance and support to members seeking to pursue higher education or careers in their chosen fields.

Organize regular events and activities, such as seminars, workshops, and social gatherings, to facilitate networking and friendship among members.

Provide opportunities for members to engage in community service and volunteerism in order to develop a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement.

Support members in their academic and professional pursuits by providing access to resources, such as scholarships, internships, and job opportunities.

Promote the values of innovation, competition, communication, friendship, and excellence among members and the wider community.

By implementing this work plan, the Union aims to create a supportive and enriching environment for its members, and to help them achieve their full potential as global citizens.


