2023年8月20日 星期日

For your health, please eat more fresh vegetables. 留總時尚蔬食薈資訊及蔬食益處介紹(中英文)

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

主持: NP總會長


Time : from 11:30  - 1:00 , Aug . 21 

GCIOSGF 大中華留學生全球總會目前在台 蔬食薈暨會長 All branches of Fashion Veggie Club and branch presidents in Taiwan of GCIOSGF at present:

 NP:Elizabeth Dong 

Chapter President:Shuhua Lu .  Sophia Wu In Taipei 

Chapter President: Sisi Chang in Taipei South D

Chapter President: Celine Zhao in Kaohsiung 

In Tainan , we are preparing : 


Chapter President - designate : Joe Zhan in Tainan D 

In our daily life, we all have this experience: if we don’t eat vegetables for a few days, we will feel uncomfortable and even have some symptoms. This is because vegetables play an important role in ensuring human health.

The role of vegetables in this area is roughly as follows:

1. Provide some vitamins and minerals needed by the human body. Such as vitamin C, vitamin B2, carotene, iron, calcium and so on.

2. Maintain the normal acid-base balance in the body. The body fluids of normal people are close to neutral and slightly alkaline. Grains, beans, fish, meat, etc. in food are acidic foods, while vegetables, fruits, etc. that are alkaline foods can compensate for the adverse effects of acidic foods on body fluids and ensure the normal physiological functions of cells.

3. The crude fiber in vegetables can not only promote intestinal peristalsis, accelerate the discharge of waste in the body, but also reduce the intestinal absorption of cholesterol, so it has special effects in preventing constipation, intestinal cancer and atherosclerosis.

4. There are also some enzymes in vegetables that can promote digestion, which can reduce the burden on the digestive tract, such as amylase contained in radish.

5. Some vegetables also have special physiological effects, such as bitter gourd can lower blood sugar, and onions can lower the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. These are extremely beneficial for maintaining the health of the body and preventing the occurrence of diseases.

For your health, please eat more fresh vegetables and join us Fashion Veggie Club Of GCIOSGF !我們正努力推動蔬食救地球,歡迎大家加入我們的行列。謝謝!

We are working hard to promote a plant-based diet to save the planet, and everyone is welcome to join us. Thanks!

Application Form 時尚蔬食薈入會表

https://forms.gle/RTTsCnGZchRUqL1T9 https://forms.gle/RTTsCnGZchRUqL1T9









https://forms.gle/RTTsCnGZchRUqL1T9 時尚蔬食薈入會表 ,歡迎加入,請先填表單,謝謝!




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