2024年6月5日 星期三


 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

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GCIOSGF Fashion Veggie Club 

在2022年2月由挪威卑爾根大學所進行,並發表於《公共科學圖書館:醫學》(PLOS MEDICINE)的研究,針對200多年來全球各地死亡原因、疾病和傷害等數據進行統合分析後發現,若20歲開始採取植物性飲食,取代以加工肉、高脂肪、精緻澱粉與高鈉含量的西式飲食,對於男性最長可延壽多達13年,女性則可延長10.7年壽命。







另一方面「減少動物性肉類」的攝取,是否也對延長壽命有積極的影響呢?2021年牛津大學發表在《BMC medicine》的研究「Meat consumption and risk of 25 common conditions:outcome-wide analyses in 475,000 men and women in the UK Biobank study」,針對47萬英國人的肉類、蔬果攝取習慣,分析25個相關疾病跟肉類攝入量的風險,發現肉類過量攝取的確跟很多疾病有關。









2024年5月27日 星期一

The event of International Tea Day.

GCISGGF Newsletter 會訊:
Host : SP
Edit: OF
Date May 21 
May 21st is International Tea Day. Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, second only to water! Its origins are somewhat mysterious, possibly coming from India, Burma, and China, although where tea was first discovered is less certain. But tea has been with mankind for a long time. It is said that the Chinese began to drink tea 5,000 years ago.

In many countries, the cultivation and production of tea is the main source of income for many families. Especially in some less affluent places, tea is an important source of livelihood. Growing and making tea is a job that requires a lot of labor, so it also provides employment opportunities for many people, especially in remote areas.

Drinking tea is good for your body and mood, and has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and weight loss effects. And in many places, drinking tea has become a culture and a part of people's lives. Therefore, tea is not only a drink for many people, but also a symbol of culture.

The purpose of International Tea Day is to help tea farmers and tea workers so that they can achieve better living conditions. Because growing and making tea is a livelihood for many people, we must care about their lives. The United Nations General Assembly decided to establish May 21 as International Tea Day to let more people understand how important tea is in alleviating poverty and hunger. Moreover, the production and processing of tea helps reduce extreme poverty, fight hunger, promote women’s empowerment, and sustainably use terrestrial ecosystems, all among the Sustainable Development Goals.

The production of tea also requires us to protect the earth, because climate change may affect the growing environment of tea, so we must also pay attention to protecting the environment so that tea can continue to grow!


2024年5月20日 星期一

What do we do in the age of AI? What is the disadvantage and advantage in the age of AI? Part 1

 GCIOSGF Newsletters:

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Before we jump on to the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence, let us understand what is AI in the first place. From a birds eye view, AI provides a computer program the ability to think and learn on its own. It is a simulation of human intelligence (hence, artificial) into machines to do things that we would normally rely on humans. This technological marvel extends beyond mere automation, incorporating a broad spectrum of AI skills - abilities that enable machines to understand, reason, learn, and interact in a human-like manner. There are three main types of AI based on its capabilities - weak AI, strong AI, and super AI.

  • Weak AI - Focuses on one task and cannot perform beyond its limitations (common in our daily lives)
  • Strong AI - Can understand and learn any intellectual task that a human being can (researchers are striving to reach strong AI)
  • Super AI - Surpasses human intelligence and can perform any task better than a human (still a concept)

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

    An artificial intelligence program is a program that is capable of learning and thinking. It is possible to consider anything to be artificial intelligence if it consists of a program performing a task that we would normally assume a human would perform.

    While artificial intelligence has many benefits, there are also drawbacks. The benefits of AI include efficiency through task automation, data analysis for informed decisions, assistance in medical diagnosis, and the advancement of autonomous vehicles. The drawbacks of AI include job displacement, ethical concerns about bias and privacy, security risks from hacking, a lack of human-like creativity and empathy.

    Let's begin with the advantages of artificial intelligence.

    10 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

    1. Reduction in Human Error

    One of the biggest benefits of Artificial Intelligence is that it can significantly reduce errors and increase accuracy and precision. The decisions taken by AI in every step is decided by information previously gathered and a certain set of algorithms. When programmed properly, these errors can be reduced to null. 


    An example of the reduction in human error through AI is the use of robotic surgery systems, which can perform complex procedures with precision and accuracy, reducing the risk of human error and improving patient safety in healthcare.

    2. Zero Risks

    Another big benefit of AI is that humans can overcome many risks by letting AI robots do them for us. Whether it be defusing a bomb, going to space, exploring the deepest parts of oceans, machines with metal bodies are resistant in nature and can survive unfriendly atmospheres. Moreover, they can provide accurate work with greater responsibility and not wear out easily.


    One example of zero risks is a fully automated production line in a manufacturing facility. Robots perform all tasks, eliminating the risk of human error and injury in hazardous environments.

    3. 24x7 Availability

    There are many studies that show humans are productive only about 3 to 4 hours in a day. Humans also need breaks and time offs to balance their work life and personal life. But AI can work endlessly without breaks. They think much faster than humans and perform multiple tasks at a time with accurate results. They can even handle tedious repetitive jobs easily with the help of AI algorithms. 


    An example of this is online customer support chatbots, which can provide instant assistance to customers anytime, anywhere. Using AI and natural language processing, chatbots can answer common questions, resolve issues, and escalate complex problems to human agents, ensuring seamless customer service around the clock.

    4. Digital Assistance

    Some of the most technologically advanced companies engage with users using digital assistants, which eliminates the need for human personnel. Many websites utilize digital assistants to deliver user-requested content. We can discuss our search with them in conversation. Some chatbots are built in a way that makes it difficult to tell whether we are conversing with a human or a chatbot.


    We all know that businesses have a customer service crew that must address the doubts and concerns of the patrons. Businesses can create a chatbot or voice bot that can answer all of their clients' questions using AI.

    5. New Inventions

    In practically every field, AI is the driving force behind numerous innovations that will aid humans in resolving the majority of challenging issues.

    For instance, recent advances in AI-based technologies have allowed doctors to detect breast cancer in a woman at an earlier stage.


    Another example of new inventions is self-driving cars, which use a combination of cameras, sensors, and AI algorithms to navigate roads and traffic without human intervention. Self-driving cars have the potential to improve road safety, reduce traffic congestion, and increase accessibility for people with disabilities or limited mobility. They are being developed by various companies, including Tesla, Google, and Uber, and are expected to revolutionize transportation.

    6. Unbiased Decisions

    Human beings are driven by emotions, whether we like it or not. AI on the other hand, is devoid of emotions and highly practical and rational in its approach. A huge advantage of Artificial Intelligence is that it doesn't have any biased views, which ensures more accurate decision-making.


    An example of this is AI-powered recruitment systems that screen job applicants based on skills and qualifications rather than demographics. This helps eliminate bias in the hiring process, leading to an inclusive and more diverse workforce.

    7. Perform Repetitive Jobs

    We will be doing a lot of repetitive tasks as part of our daily work, such as checking documents for flaws and mailing thank-you notes, among other things. We may use artificial intelligence to efficiently automate these menial chores and even eliminate "boring" tasks for people, allowing them to focus on being more creative.


    An example of this is using robots in manufacturing assembly lines, which can handle repetitive tasks such as welding, painting, and packaging with high accuracy and speed, reducing costs and improving efficiency.

    8. Daily Applications

    Today, our everyday lives are entirely dependent on mobile devices and the internet. We utilize a variety of apps, including Google Maps, Alexa, Siri, Cortana on Windows, OK Google, taking selfies, making calls, responding to emails, etc. With the use of various AI-based techniques, we can also anticipate today’s weather and the days ahead.


    About 20 years ago, you must have asked someone who had already been there for instructions when you were planning a trip. All you need to do now is ask Google where Bangalore is. The best route between you and Bangalore will be displayed, along with Bangalore's location, on a Google map.

    9. AI in Risky Situations

    One of the main benefits of artificial intelligence is this. By creating an AI robot that can perform perilous tasks on our behalf, we can get beyond many of the dangerous restrictions that humans face. It can be utilized effectively in any type of natural or man-made calamity, whether it be going to Mars, defusing a bomb, exploring the deepest regions of the oceans, or mining for coal and oil.


    For instance, the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power facility in Ukraine. As any person who came close to the core would have perished in a matter of minutes, at the time, there were no AI-powered robots that could assist us in reducing the effects of radiation by controlling the fire in its early phases.

    10. Medical Applications

    AI has also made significant contributions to the field of medicine, with applications ranging from diagnosis and treatment to drug discovery and clinical trials. AI-powered tools can help doctors and researchers analyze patient data, identify potential health risks, and develop personalized treatment plans. This can lead to better health outcomes for patients and help accelerate the development of new medical treatments and technologies.

2024年5月18日 星期六

Eating vegetables will save the global.Danger behind the beauty’ of auroras as more solar storms may affect Earth

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Eating vegetables will save the global.Danger behind the beauty’ of auroras as more solar storms may affect Earth

Tourists normally have to pay big money and brave cold climates for a chance to see an aurora, but last weekend many people around the world simply had to look up to see these colourful displays dance across the sky

Auroras may be pretty, but the solar storms that cause them can cause serious havoc on Earth, scientists have warned.

Usually banished to the poles of Earth, the auroras strayed as far as Mexico, southern Europe and South Africa on the evening of May 10, delighting skygazers and filling social media with images of exuberant pinks, greens and purples.

But for those charged with protecting Earth from powerful solar storms such as the one that caused the auroras, a threat lurks beneath the stunning colours.

“We need to understand that behind this beauty, there is danger,” Quentin Verspieren, the European Space Agency’s space safety programme coordinator, told AFP.

Mike Bettwy of the US Space Weather Prediction Center said that “we’re focused on the more sinister potential impacts” of solar storms, such as taking out power grids and satellites, or exposing astronauts to dangerous levels of radiation.

Massive explosions on the surface of the Sun shoot out plasma, radiation and even magnetic fields at incredibly fast speeds born on the solar wind.

The latest auroras were caused by the most powerful geomagnetic storm since the “Halloween Storms” of October 2003, which sparked blackouts in Sweden and damaged power infrastructure in South Africa.

There appears to have been less damage from the latest solar storms, though it often takes weeks for satellite companies to reveal problems, Bettwy said.

There were reports that some self-driving farm tractors in the United States stopped in their tracks when their GPS guidance systems went out due to the storm, he told AFP.

‘Definitely not over’

These strange effects are caused by massive explosions on the surface of the Sun that shoot out plasma, radiation and even magnetic fields at incredibly fast speeds born on the on the solar wind.

The recent activity has come from a sunspot cluster 17 times the size of Earth which has continued raging over the week. On Tuesday it blasted out the strongest solar flare seen in years.

The sunspot has been turning towards the edge of the Sun’s disc, so activity is expected to die down in the short term as its outbursts aim away from our planet.

But in roughly two weeks the sunspot will swing back around, again turning its gaze towards Earth.

In the meantime, another sunspot is “coming into view right now” which could trigger “major activity in the coming days”, ESA space weather service coordinator Alexi Glover told AFP.

So the solar activity is “definitely not over”, she added.

It is difficult to predict how violent these sunspots could be — or whether they could spark further auroras.

But solar activity is only just approaching the peak of its roughly 11-year cycle, so the odds of another major storm are highest “between now and the end of next year”, Bettwy said.

What threat do solar storms pose?

Geomagnetic storms such as the recent one create a magnetic charge of voltage and current, “essentially overloading” things like satellites and power grids, according to Bettwy.

The most famous example came in 1859 during the worst solar storm in recorded history, called the Carrington Event.

As well as stunning auroras, the storm caused sparks to fly off of telegraph stations. The charge that originated from the Sun was so strong that some telegraphs worked without being plugged into a power source.

So what would happen if such a powerful geomagnetic storm struck Earth again?

Bettwy said most countries have improved their power grids, which should prevent prolonged outages like those that hit Sweden in 2003 or Canada in 1989.

The most powerful solar storm to strike our planet in more than two decades caused dazzling auroras in many nations, including Russia.

Still, he suggested people have an emergency kit in case electricity is knocked out for a day or two. Fresh water might also help in case filtration plants go offline.

Astronauts are particularly at risk from radiation during extreme solar activity. Those on the International Space Station usually take the best shelter they can when a bad storm is expected.

Bettwy said a massive solar storm could expose astronauts to an “unhealthy dose” of radiation, but he did not think it would be lethal.

Emphasising that he did not want to “instil fear”, Bettwy added that radiation can also potentially “get through the fuselage” of planes flying near the north pole.

Airlines sometimes change routes during extreme solar storms to avoid this happening, he added.

Several upcoming missions are expected to improve forecasting of the Sun’s intense and unpredictable weather, aiming to give Earth more time to prepare.

2024年4月14日 星期日


GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊
Host : VNP
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If you often go abroad, you must understand the definitions of various types of vegetarianism or if you order the vegetables food , you should know what you exactly want to eat.


 如果不是純素食者,會吃奶蛋。就是Lacto-Ovo vegetarian(奶蛋素)。如果雞蛋的取得夠人道,不傷害雞,那是最好的了。其實許多該從動物身上得到的營養素,現在也能透過植物攝取到。很多人因為基於同理心不想殺生。選擇吃素,且提倡放生。

如連奶蛋都不碰,那就是吃全素,這個字的英文是vegan。有些人以為vegan就是vegetarian 的縮寫,其實這兩個字的意思是完全不同的,vegetarian通常飲食除了蔬食外,還有攝取奶與蛋之類的dairy products動物性乳製品,可是vegan則是全部蔬食,完全不吃任何動物性的東西,包含奶蛋類。國外許多vegans是連動物性的製品都不使用,所以只穿純棉的衣服,拒絕羊毛以及絲綢還有皮件。carnivore(肉食性動物)、herbivore(草食性動物)與omnivore(雜食性動物),這幾年為了減少碳足跡carbon footprint,各國也大力推廣吃在地的食物,所以locavore 這個字也變夯(此字曾是牛津字典2007年所選出來的年度風雲字喔)。時尚蔬食薈力推的主旨。

1. Lacto-Ovo-vegetarian  


2. pollotarian  


3. pescetarian 


4. freegan

為了環保理由不購買食物,只撿他人剩下的蔬果或 是掉下來的蔬食與肉類的自由食者(國外也有人戲稱這種人是乞食者)

5. flexitarian


Where did the word “vegan” come from?

There are, of course, many ethical and health controversies surrounding vegetarianism in all its different forms, but we wanted to know – where did the words come from? Who invented “veganism”?

Vegetarianism has been around for a very long time. Some historians date it back to Ancient Greek philosophers, and religious sects of Buddhism and Hinduism have encouraged vegetarianism for hundreds of years. However, the word itself came into common usage in the 1830s. During this era, vegetarianism was associated with religious conservatives,some of whom also campaigned for the temperance movement to ban alcohol .

It is not completely clear who invented the word “vegetarian.” It may have been the founders of the British Vegetarian Society in 1847. Regardless, its linguistic roots are very clear. The Latin word “vegetābilis” meant “lively or animating” and came to describe foods that made one lively or animated. The suffix “–arian” changes an adjective into a personal noun, as in librarian or veterinarian. From the 1840s onward, the word was in common English usage.

Why “vegan” though? Where did that short word that connotes radical vegetarians come from? Donald Watson, founder of the Vegan Society, coined the word vegan” in 1944 as a statement against vegetarians who ate dairy products. He took the first and last letters of the word vegetarian to create his orthodox version of vegetarianism. 

Today, as many as 10% of American adults say they follow a vegetarian-inclined diet but only 1% of them are strict vegans.

Most people who describe themselves as vegetarians are technically Lacto-Ovo-vegetarians; that is they eat eggs and milk. If you want to get really specific in describing your diet, you could use some of these terms: pollotarians (if you eat chicken, but not meat from mammals),  pescetarians (if you eat fish), freeganif you eat food only when it’s free).

Recently, a new word has entered the dietary lexicon flexitarian Though the term dates were invented in the 1990s, only in the past few years has it acquired common currency. The first flexitarian cookbook came out in 2008. Celebrity chef Mark Bittman advocates for a “plant-based diet” meaning one that focuses on plants but can include a little meat.

Michael Pollan’s book The Omnivore’s Dilemma uses a different nomenclature to talk about similar issues. By calling us “omnivores ,” Pollan suggests that we should not be herbivores(or carnivores,for that matter). The language he uses closely resembles the words that biologists use to talk about animals. Owls are carnivores; rabbits are herbivores. As with most attributes,though, we prefer to have different adjectives to describe the same behavior in animals and in humans.

2024年3月22日 星期五


GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:
Host: NP
Merry Reading Time 玩咖悦讀匯


這可不是為了騙大家才說出來的,因為在美國曾經有個研究,追訪超過3, 635位50歲以上的美國人,將他們分三類,分別是:每星期閱讀超過3.5小時、每星期閱讀3.5小時或以下,和完全不會閱讀的人,最後發現會閱讀的人比不會閱讀的人在12年的研究期中,有20%的機率不會死亡。而每星期閱讀多過3.5小時的人,更比不會閱讀的人死亡率低23%,再進一步來說,多閱讀可以讓人延長23個月的壽命呢!








在閱讀的過程中,會引發起讀者的對認知的投入,思維廣闊又細密,更重要的是不同的故事會讓我們更有同理心,投入其中就更明白站在他人角度出發,亦增加了emotional intelligence(情緒智力)的功能。

2024年3月9日 星期六

大陸恢復高考後的首屆大專院校 77、78級大學生的命運與作為(同為1982年畢業)

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

玩咖悦讀匯Merry Reading Time 


Host :WP

Edit:  OF 







1977年,剛復出的鄧小平主持召開科學與教育工作座談會,作出於當年恢復高考的決定。同年10月12日,國務院正式宣布當年立即恢復高考。 1977年冬天,中國大陸五百七十萬考生走進了曾被關閉了十餘年的高考場。當年全國大專院校錄取新生二十七點三萬人;1978年,六百一十萬人報考,錄取四十點二萬人。1977級學生1978年春天入學,1978級學生秋天入學,兩次招生僅相隔半年。 1977年冬和1978年夏的中國大陸,迎來了世界史上規模最大的考試,總報考人數達1,160萬人。1979年,報考人數468萬,錄取28.4萬,錄取率6.06%。1977-1979年可報考人數總共為1億3千652萬人。





社會發展過程往往並非勻速推進,而往往會像波浪似的前進,時而湍急,時而舒緩。不同時代的大學生經驗與命運也各不相同,有的大學生在學期間被捲入驚濤駭浪,有的大學生過得波瀾不驚,因此有「幸運的一代」「求職的一代」等說法。 1977級、1978級大學生都於1982年畢業,至今已整整30年了。這一特殊的群體,參加過恢復高考時激動人心的考試競爭,在風雲際會的時代成長,與中國改革開放的歷程密切相關。



1977級、1978級大學生,是中國高等教育史上十分特殊的一個群體。 1977年招生的專業較少,有不少專業是1978年才首次招生,於是這些1978級大學生也等於是這些專業的首批大學生,類同於1977級。還有許多專業1977年招生人數很少,如教育學專業1977年只有北京師範大學、東北師範大學、杭州大學等少數學校招生,法學專業只有北京大學等學校招生。到了1978年,許多大學擴大了招生專業。

1977年、1978年的高考,是錄取率極低的高考。 1966年停廢高考,1977年9月決定恢復高考時,考慮在中斷11年高考後,加上1977年應屆高中畢業生,以及允許1978級高中生的優秀者提前報考,起初預計13個年級累積的考生有可能達到2000多萬人,原計劃招生20萬人,錄取率是1%。後來不少省、市採取了地區初試,按計劃錄取數的2~5倍篩選出來,參加正式的高考,加上全國超過半數的青年根據自己的文化基礎選擇報考中專,結果1977年最後實際參加高考的人數為570萬人。

後來,由鄧小平提議,原國家計委、教育部決定擴大招生,經過擴招本科2.3萬人,各類大專班4萬人,共擴招6.3萬人,擴招比例達29.3%,最後錄取了27.8萬人,以考生比例來算,是20.5∶1,錄取率為4.9%。這是中國高考史上最低的錄取率。 1978年也有擴招的舉措,610萬人報考,起初計劃招生29.3萬人,考後仍有大批比較好的考生不能入學,經過擴招11萬人,總共錄取了40萬人,錄取率為6.6%。也就是說,當時包括了大專生的錄取率,按現在多數省、市的高考錄取線來比較,也都在本科重點線(一本線)以上。






正如有的論者所說的:「不會再有哪一屆學生像1977級、1978級那樣,年齡跨度極大,而且普遍具有底層生存經歷。不會再有哪一屆學生像1977級、 1978級那樣,親眼看到天翻地覆的社會轉變,並痛入骨髓地反思過那些曾經深信不疑的所謂神聖教條。不會再有哪一屆學生像1977級、1978級那樣,以近乎自虐的方式來讀書學習。…這就注定了1977級、1978級要出人才。」在飽經滄桑之後,這群人普遍個性堅定沈毅,較能吃苦。而他們在社會上摸爬滾打形成的堅毅的個性和練達的人情,也成為日後發展的重要因素。


1977年、1978年的高考,由於準備時間很短,考生原有基礎便顯得格外重要。機會總是偏愛有準備的頭腦,「文化大革命」期間堅持讀書者不全是最聰明者,更多的是喜歡讀書者、有信念者。 1977年、1978年考上大學者除了智力因素以外,更多的是非智力因素在起作用。過去,科舉時代有「讀書種子」之說,我看1977級、1978級大學生中也有部分屬於「讀書種子」。在「讀書無用論」盛行的年代仍然堅持讀書,在「知識越多越反動」的氛圍中追求知識,在一般人理想破滅的時候追求理想,因為有信念,有愛好,或者就是天性喜歡讀書。




恢復高考改變了以往許多人聽天由命、前途由領導決定的觀念,使廣大知識青年知道可以透過自己的努力改變處境,讓人們覺得有了盼頭。經歷過高考的成功,1977級、1978級大學生普遍帶著一種積極向上的心態投入學習。當時還是物質高度匱乏的年代,糧票、布票、肉票、油票……許多生活必需品都憑票供應。但學生普遍有助學金,對未來充滿希望與自信。在那個物質匱乏、精神亢奮的年代,對理想的追求遠高於對金錢的追求。科學的春天到來,冰封多年後的解凍,造就一群富有理想的青年。他們知道“人生能有幾回搏”,在激情燃燒的歲月,在大學綻放出青春的花朵。在校期間,他們經歷了改革開放的思想解放運動,經歷了「實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準」大討論,大家開始接觸西方馬克思主義、佛洛伊德、存在主義、民主政治觀念、鄧麗君歌曲… ……並參與了人生觀大討論、傷痕文學的創作,等等。




在“教育要與工農結合”的宗旨下,除了短暫的“回潮”時期以外,每學期都“開門辦學”,安排中學生學工、學農、學軍。這一群體中的多數人,或在中學畢業後上山下鄉,長期投入體力勞動,知識不成系統,有的甚至是殘缺不全,尤其是外語水平,除少數同學外,普遍較差。或許勤能補拙,但有些知識能力錯過了最佳學習時間很難彌補。 1977級、1978級大學生有許多出類拔萃者已做出許多貢獻,但也有大量的人由於知識的缺陷和缺乏系統訓練,加上畢業時年齡已大,注定只能做出一般業績。




1980年代初,中國仍處於萬物復甦、需才孔急的狀況。甚至在1977級本科生讀到三年級時,主管部門就曾在部分大學徵求學生的意見,問是否願意提前畢業,讀完三年或三年半就按本科畢業走上工作崗位。 1980年夏到1982年春,1977年考錄的27萬本、專科大學生陸續畢業,成為改革開放後所選拔、培養的第一批優秀人才,為求才若渴的中國社會注入了一批新生力量。 1982年夏,40萬名1978級大學生也基本畢業。經過十年浩劫,各行各業人才出現斷層,「青黃不接」嚴重。而十一年的耽誤和積壓人才,67萬畢業生匯聚到一起噴湧出來,作為當時社會的稀缺人才,受到社會的普遍歡迎。他們畢業後,填補龐大的需才空缺。當時流行在大學生中的一個順口溜叫作“金77,銀78”,大學生把這個來之不易的求學機會比作金銀一樣珍貴。另一種說法是,後來因這兩屆學生成功率之高,被民間戲稱為「金77,銀78」。 1977級、1978級大學生集合了13年內的青年中的精英,因而人才較為集中一些也就不足為奇。

相對其他同儕而言,1977級、1978級大學生無疑是時代的幸運兒。考上大學,在當時是令人羨慕的大好事,「大學生」似乎是頭上罩著光環的三個字。他們的工作和發展機會特別好,作為一個與眾不同的群體,起點普遍比其他同齡人高,後來發展也較快。 30年後,無論在政界、學界、商界,都有許多領導人物是1977級、1978級大學生。近年來,隨著各級、各地中高層黨政領導班子中1977級、1978級大學生的增多,有人將之成為中國政壇的「77、78級現象」。


時勢可以造英雄,英雄也可以造時勢。歷史時代與教育群體之間存在著一種互動、互造的關係,1977級、1978級大學生也體現出一種時代與人物互動影響的關係。特定的時代造就了1977級、1978級大學生,恢復高考、招收優秀人才進高校深造,讓他們具有了登上歷史舞台施展抱負的機會,而1977級、1978級大學生畢業後為後來國家的發展積蓄了足夠的能量,也為改革開放和經濟發展貢獻智慧和力量。歷史不一定記得他們中單一人的功名與所為,但一定會記得這群人的貢獻與所為。 1977年恢復高考的重要意義,不僅是鄧小平順應時勢的英明決斷所賦予的,而且還是1977級、1978級等恢復高考後考上大學的人才的作為與貢獻體現出來的。


江山代有人才出,各領風騷數百年。但在現代,即使是人才,大概也只能各領風騷數十年甚至三、五年。 1977級、1978級大學生都站在同一起跑線上,畢業後起點相同,經過多年的發展,終點卻各不相同。不像一般大學生多為同齡人因而基本上同時退休,由於年齡差距很大,1977級、1978級的人才洪流,在一波“老三屆”的人才洪峰消退之後,還將在中國歷史舞台上持續上十年。

「百年能幾何,三十已一世。」時間已經過一個世代的變換,1977級、1978級大學生在中國改革開放歷史上留下了深刻的印記,其影響和作為,相信還將在未來的歲月中更加顯現出來。 (北京師範大學出版社供稿)

2024年2月25日 星期日

欣賞高雄The One的美,品嚐藏仙庵的蔬食 (南北時尚蔬食薈二月月例會)

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Host  :SRCE Celine Zhao of Kaohsiung 

              NRCE Shuhua Lu of Taipei

              NRCE Sophia Wu of Taibei 

Edit : OF 



感謝高雄遠雄提供場地和茶點給大中華留學生全球總會總會長讓南台灣時尚蔬食薈舉辦二月月例會節能減碳論壇暨新春品酒及下午茶活動。遠雄The one 是高雄高樓豪宅唯一第一品牌。環境好,管理好,景觀好,隱秘性好。台北時尚蔬食薈二月月例會則去了藏仙庵,不僅每月蔬食了一次讓地球舒適了一次,也享受了滿滿的芬多精。 Thanks to Kaohsiung Farglory for providing the venue for the general president of GCIOSGF to let the Southern Taiwan Fashion Veggie club’s Gathering to hold the Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Forum and New Year Wine Tasting and Afternoon Tea Events.of FEB.monthly regular meeting . Farglory The One is the only No. 1 brand of high-rise luxury home in Kaohsiung. The environment is excellent,the management is excellent,the landscape is great,and the privacy is so good! Taipei Fashion Veggie Club’s February monthly meeting went to Zangxian Temple. Not only did they eat vegetarian food once a month to make the earth comfortable, but they also enjoyed a lot of phytoncide.


