2023年4月25日 星期二

 洋蔥湯 Onion Soup

南瓜湯 Pumpkin Cream Soup



培根蛋生菜沙拉 Bacon and boiled eggs salad

培根雞肉大凱撒 Double Caesar salad with bacon and chicken

安格斯牛肉沙拉 Argus beef salad


開胃菜 Appetizer Soup

煙燻鮭魚洋蔥捲 Smoked salmon onion roll

米蘭式炸魚柳薯條 Fish and French fries

義式酥炸雞 Casa Della Pasta fried chicken

酥炸綜合蕈菇 Deep-fried fresh mixed mushroom

起司蘑菇醬燴牛肉丸 Cheese mushroom sauce with meat balls

蟹肉炒蘑菇 Fried crabmeat with mushroom

乳酪蕃茄雞肉冷盤 Mozzarella cheese, tomato and chicken

炸花枝圈 Fried calamari (with spicy souce)


下酒菜 Drunk Food (美)/ finger food (英) / Side Dish Soup

炸洋蔥圈 Fried onion rings

炸檸檬雞柳條 Fried lemon chicken sticks

炸起司條 Fried mozzarella cheese

匈牙利燉肉 Hungarian stewed pork

焗烤香草杏鮑菇 Baked basil mushroom

起司薯條 Cheese French fries

起司蕃茄冷盤 Mozzarella cheese, tomato

辣味牛肉丸 Meat balls with chili


義大利麵Pasta Soup

朝鮮薊蝦仁麵 Artichokes and shrimp

橄欖油時蔬義大利麵 Vegetable with olive oil 

鮭魚蘆筍奶油麵 Aspargus, salmon steak with cream sause

黑墨汁海鮮麵 Seafood with black ink sauce

蘿勤鮮蝦義大利麵 Seafood cream sauce with black mpasta

香蒜海鮮墨魚麵 Seafood with garlic oil black pasta

牛肉丸蕃茄義大利麵 Meat balls and tomato sauce

辣味牛肉丸 Meat balls with chili

辣味鮮蝦蕃昔奶油麵 Shrimp and chili with tomato cream sauce

魚子醬香蔥干貝蟹肉麵 Scallop, crab with shallop and spring onion

西班牙海鮮醬羘蝦寬扁麵 Shrimp Fettuccine with Spanish seafood sauce


燉飯Risotto Soup

培根蘑菇燉飯 Bacon & mushroom risotto

蘑菇雞肉燉飯 Mushroom risotto with pesto sauce

海鮮燉飯 Seafood risotto

米蘭海鮮燉飯 Milano seafood risotto

海鮮總匯燉飯 Risotto with port wine, prawn & scallops

黑墨汁燉飯 Risotto nero


本店特選Special Soup

香橙芥茉鮮蝦 Pasta Chef

海鮮羅勒 Pesto di Mare

咖哩海鮮 Curry Seafood

蟹黃奶油 Sangue di Crostaccio

深海辣味墨魚 Nero di Seppia

黑墨汁燉飯 Risotto nero

明太子奶油 Meitaiko

海膽奶油 Riccio di Mare

義式南瓜 Pumpkin


飲料Drink Soup

紅茶(熱/冰) Black tea(Hot/Cold) 

奶茶(熱/冰) Milk tea(Hot/Cold)

巧克力牛奶(熱/冰) Chocolate(Hot/Cold)

可樂/雪碧/健怡 Coke/Sprite / Diet Coke



新鮮柳橙汁 Fresh Orange

新鮮西瓜汁 Fresh Watermelon

新鮮葡萄柚汁 Fresh Grapefruit 

新鮮奇異果汁 Fresh Kiwi Juice

熱飲 Twining

伯爵茶 Earl Grey Tea 

仕女茶 Lady Grey Tea

水蜜桃果茶 Peach & Passion Tea

伯爵奶茶 Earl Grey Milk Tea

玫瑰花茶 Rose Flavor Tea

桂花桔皮茶 Osmanthus & Orange Peel Flavor Tea



美式咖啡 Cafe Americano

焦糖瑪奇朵 Caramel Macchiato

卡布奇諾 Cappuccino

摩卡奇諾 Moccaccino


甜點Dessert Soup

烤布蕾 creme brulee

提拉米蘇 tiramisu

手工義式鮮奶酪 Leone House Itlian Panna Cotta

焦糖慕司 Caramel Mousse

原味起司 Cheese Cake

沙哈巧克力蛋糕 Sacher Chocolate Cake




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