2024年8月15日 星期四


 不容小覷的素食潮流~ 2020年全球彈性素食者已達42%




近年來, 隨著現代人對於健康、環境,和動物保育的意識提升,「素食」不再只侷限於宗教信仰,而是展開了一個全新的飲食文化趨勢。其實台灣人愛吃素是世界數一數二的,早在2017年時,台北就被CNN評選為「世界十大素食友善城市」,台灣的素食人口數,更是全球排名第三。根據《世界素食人口報告》 指出,台灣的蔬食人口(含彈性素食者)已高達300萬人,佔總人口約13%。





全球對於素食的關注度不斷上升,而台灣也緊緊跟上潮流。根據Google Trends 的數據顯示,2020 年在Google 上與素食有關議題的搜尋量增長47%,比5年前高出兩倍的普及率。




印度是全世界素食人口排名第一的國家,共有超過4億的素食者。有趣的是,印度的素食文化不僅僅是一種飲食行為 — — 由於宗教、種姓制度,和歷史的關係,吃素逐漸變成在高社會階層、富有和優雅的象徵。在 2014 年,印度城市帕莉塔納城(Palitana)成為了世上第一個素食城市,並且也在2015年禁止了許多城市的動物宰殺和非法售肉行為。




豬腳和香腸遠近馳名的德國,如今也掀起吃素風潮,漸漸成為了新的主流。CNN 報導表示德國在2016年推出了許多純素食品,全球約 18% 的純素食品都是從德國出口的。他們利用大豆之類的植物性蛋白研發了和肉相同的口味和口感,好讓入門的吃素者更加適應習慣。在 2011 年,柏林也開設了歐洲第一間純素連鎖超市Veganz,如今在德國已有10間分店,提供超過 4,500 種素食產品。


根據全球市調公司歐睿國際(Euromonitor International)2021年3月針對素食者以及植物性食品前景所發布的報告《Going Plant-Based: The Rise of Vegan and Vegetarian Food》指出,隨著素食者對於吃素的倡導和討論,素食人口持續成長,每年的搜尋量與社群聲量也持續攀升。吃素的原因和動機非常多元化,包括因信仰而吃素的宗教原因、抵制不道德的動物飼養、希望降低二氧化碳排放量幫助環保,以及為了健康飲食的訴求,藉由蔬食飲食達成健康目標。隨著追求素食主義的人越來越多,餐飲業也不斷地研發更精緻和美味的素食餐,提高潛在素食者的接受度。

但是為什麼年輕人更愛吃素呢?食力FoodNext指出在這群蔬食主義者中有越來越高的比例來自年輕族群:1995年後出生的Z 世代中,有54% 的受訪者表示他們正在減少食用肉類或其他動物性質的產品;而在1950年代出生的嬰兒潮同樣的比例則為34%。這些數據顯示年輕人似乎更加在乎素食議題,並尋找更健康和道德的食品選擇。

Source: Euromonitor International《Going Plant-Based: The Rise of Vegan and Vegetarian Food》






台灣吃素議題社群聲量文字雲(爬搜區間: 2022/4/14~8/15)



即使如此,這題的答案仍算明確。根據英國牛津大學和美國明尼蘇達大學的一項健康與環境影響的研究中,50 公克的紅肉所排放的溫室氣體是100公克蔬菜的至少20倍,而土地使用的面積更是蔬菜的100倍。如果每個人都停止吃牛肉,採用純素飲食,全球土地使用量將下降75%,這項建議更被視為「減少人類對地球影響最有效的方法」之一。


 GCIOSGF Newsletter 

English leaning 

Host : NP

Edit: OF 

psychic [ˋsaɪkɪk] 靈媒 

🔸medium [ˋmidɪəm] 靈媒、乩童 

🔸gift [gɪft] 天賦、天命 

(例句)She has a gift for talking to dead people.


🔸shaman [ˋʃɑmən] 仙姑、師父師姐 (執行收驚等)

(例句)The kid’s grandmother took him to a shaman for his night terrors.


🔸spirit-rebalancing 收驚

🔸to ward off evil spirits.避邪

(例句)She had a car accident last week, so she went to a temple to get her a spirt-rebalancing.


🔸paper charm 符

🔸incense ash 香灰

(例句)The shaman made him drink a mixture of water and the ashes from a burnt paper charm.


🔸sixth-sense 第六感

Sofia: AHHHH!!! Why are you screaming? You scared the hell out of me!


Bob: YOU scared the hell out of me! Why are you sneaking around?


Sofia: No, I’m not! ( staring at Bob ) Are you alright?

Sofia:我才沒有!(看著 Bob)你還好嗎?

Bob: …This remind me of my childhood memory. There was a time when I had a fever for days, my grandmother believed that I must have been possessed by something so she took me to a Taoist shaman.


Sofia: She thought you need a siu-kiann.


Bob: Yes, she thought there must be something to exorcise.



Possessed (adj.) 卡到陰,著魔的

Possess作動詞代表「擁有」(to have,to own),同時也有「支配」的意思,形容詞以possessed表示,指的是「被什麼所支配;著魔的」,也就是我們俗稱的「卡到陰」。

Demi possessed the talent of playing musical instrument.

Demi 擁有演奏樂器的天賦。

Tom’s life was possessed by his wife.

Tom 的生活受他老婆所支配。

She must have been possessed to buy that hideous hat!


Taoist shaman (n.) 師公

Taoist為形容詞,意思是「道教的」(Taoism 為「道教」的英文說法),而shaman原先用來專指「薩滿巫師」,後來延伸為用來泛指「民間信仰的法師」,Taoist shaman指的即是廟裡的「師公」。

The rite of siu-kiann was hold by a Taoist shaman.


Exorcise (v.) 驅魔

Exorcise意指「驅魔;驅邪」(小心別和另一個動詞 exercise「運動」搞混哦!) ,exorcist則是指「驅魔師」。

After the priest exorcised the girl, the girl regained her health.



Sofia: What did you think of the rite then?


Bob: Well, all I remember now is that my grandmother asked me to drink a mixture of water and charm paper.


Sofia: Wow…

Sofia:哇 ……

Bob: Yeah, it was terrible. However, after that my fever did go away.


Sofia: Seriously?


Bob: In fact, now I seem to recall something… I recall something I saw in the dark alley a few days ago before the fever.

Bob:事實上,我現在好像記起了一件事 ……。我回想起發燒前我在暗暗的巷子裡看到了什麼。

Sofia: Do… do you think that’s a ghost?

Sofia:你是說 ……你是說看到鬼嗎?

Bob: It’s hard to say…

Bob:這很難說 ……

Rite (n.) 儀式

Rite為名詞,意思是「儀式」,如 religious rite「宗教儀式」、funeral rite「喪禮儀式」。

The Catholic parents had their baby baptized according to religious rite.


Mixture of water and charm paper (n.) 符水

Charm paper的意思是「咒文;符咒」,mixture則代表「混合物」。因此, mixture of water and charm paper 指的即是「水和符咒的混合物」,也就是「符水」。

Bob listened to his grandmother and drank the mixture of water and charm paper.

Bob 聽阿嬤的話把符水喝了下去。

Ghost (n.) 鬼

ghost 的意思是「鬼怪;鬼;幽靈」。另外為大家補充幾個相關單字,包括代表「鬧鬼的」的haunted,以及「鬼故事」的英文說法ghost story。

That old hotel must be possessed by ghosts. Three people went into it and never came out.


That old hotel is said to be haunted.


2024年8月9日 星期五


GCIOSGF Newsletter:




























大家看到了吧! “蘭夜鬥巧”就像捉迷藏一樣,是一項遊戲活動,看看誰能找到,誰就得巧,大家玩得非常開心,不亦樂乎。



As the saying goes: “On the seventh day of July, the Cowherd meets the Weaver Girl.” Today is the Chinese Valentine’s Day, a traditional Chinese festival. In the past, Qixi Festival activities were rich and colorful, especially for girls and young women. This day is also called Daughter’s Day, and you know it is a festival for girls. Moreover, it is said that this day is also the birthday of the Weaver Girl, and many girls will pray to the Weaver Girl for their craft skills and a happy marriage.

Let’s take a look at the traditional customs of Qixi Festival such as begging for skill and competing for skill! I am talking about my daily life, let’s talk about it together.

Happy spider should be clever

Spider Yingqiu is a form of using spiders to make predictions. It is a very interesting begging activity.

Basic operation method:

On July 7th, put the little spider into the box and let the little spider live in the box for a day. Wait until the next day, which is the eighth day of July, to observe the situation inside the box.

Usually, people regard the situation with dense spider webs as having many tricks; those with sparse spider webs as having few tricks. Some people thought it was a coincidence to observe the presence or absence of spider webs and whether the spider webs were round or straight, but later people tested the coincidence according to the density. Isn’t it particularly interesting?

Threading a needle and begging for skill

This is a very early entertainment activity, which is very popular among girls. It is also a good mobile phone to show off your talents, and it is also the time to show off your talents.

Basic operation method:

In the past, girls prepared colorful threads and seven-hole needles. When the preparations were complete, when the time came, they would start the competition, which was also called “Sai Qiao”. Whoever threads the thread the fastest will be ranked first, which is called winning tricks. That is to say, the faster the thread is threaded, the more tricks you can get; if the threading is slower, you lose, and it is called “losing tricks”. If you are willing to admit defeat, you will also be given a small gift.

In the past, people knitted and sewed clothes and could not do without needles and threads. It is also to imitate the skills of the Weaver Girl and learn the talents of the Weaver Girl. Of course, meaningful games are held during the Chinese Valentine’s Day to worship the Weaver Girl and pray for luck and good luck in marriage, hoping for dexterity and a happy marriage.

needle to the moon

“Threading a needle to the moon” is relatively difficult. Think about it, if the night sky is clear on the seventh day of July, but the moon is also curved and the light is dim and not very bright, it will be difficult to thread a needle.

Basic operation method:

In the courtyard of their home, people first set the table with fruits, wine and dishes, worship the Cowherd and the Vega stars, hoping for good luck, and then go about sewing. The girls faced the moon, picked up the five-colored thread, and began to thread the needle. Anyone who could thread the needle had a skillful hand, which was called dexterity. Then, everyone laughed, ate, drank, sang and danced all night long.

As you can imagine, the difficulty is still relatively high. According to Wang Renyu of the Five Dynasties, “The Legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao” records: “On Qixi Festival, Chen uses melons and fruits to bake in wine, worships the two stars of the Cow and the Girl, and uses a nine-hole needle and a five-color thread to pass through it. The Marquis of Good Fortune.”

Test your skill by throwing a needle

In addition to the above praying skills activities and customs, there is another custom, which is to test one’s skill by throwing a needle. This is also a traditional custom of Qixi Festival and was quite popular in the past.

Basic operation method:

There are many methods. Usually, on the sixth day of July, prepare a basin of water and leave it in the yard in the open air overnight. On the seventh day of July, it will be exposed to the sun for another day, and a thin film will form on the surface of the water in the basin. At this time, you can put an embroidery needle on it and look at the needle shadow under the water. If the shapes are different and graceful, it is said to be skillful; if the needle shadow is as thick as a hammer, as thin as silk, and as straight as a thread, it is clumsy, not Skillful.

This activity originated from needle threading, but it is different from needle threading. It was more popular in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Isn’t it interesting! Do you also want to try it? It’s actually not easy.

Lan Ye Dou Qiao

The seventh month of the lunar calendar used to be called “Lan Moon”, and the night of Chinese Valentine’s Day is also called Lan Night. Lanye’s fight for skill was carried out at this time.

Basic operation method

According to records, this entertainment activity originated from the palace games of the Han Dynasty. On July 7th, the colorful ladies of the palace go to the Guanjin Tower to study together, practice threading the Qiqiao needle, and prepare for the Qixi Festival night begging activity.

Among them, a palace maid carved lotus roots into various shapes of flowers, birds, fish, insects, etc., and presented them to the emperor. The emperor was very happy, so he put these handicrafts on the corner of the table, and then asked the palace maids to search for them in the dark. This is called “Lanye fights for skill”,

Everyone has seen it! “Lanye Douqiu” is a game activity like hide and seek. Whoever can find it will get the trick. Everyone is having a great time.

See it! The begging activities of Qixi Festival are rich and colorful. It is a recreational activity for girls to pray for skills and to hope that the Weaver Girl will give them a happy marriage.

There is an old saying: “On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the Weaver Girl cries.” On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the Cowherd meets the Weaver Girl. When the two meet, they inevitably burst into tears, and there will be rain on this day. Legend has it that the Weaver Girl’s tears. Of course, there are many colorful activities on the Qixi Festival. Especially in the past, people also had traditions such as worshiping the Weaver Girl, giving thanks to the old cow, eating Qixi fruits, drying books, washing hair and bathing, etc. There are many customs that are very popular.

2024年8月5日 星期一


 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:







多蔬果,豆類,堅果,可薑蔥蒜韭菜蛋奶。勿食肉。追求多wins:  個人健康,救地球 。宜處如下:


1 有助於減重

2 延緩衰老

3 皮膚美麗光澤

4 減少慢性疾病,癌症

5 心情變得平和

6 遠離毒素,排除體內毒素

7 減少地球暖化

8 保護動物

9 預防便祕

10 保護眼睛

11 頭腦思緒更清楚

What is GCIOSGF Fashion Veggie Club?

Living a healthy and long life is the goal pursued by modern people.

Most of the people died due to diseases and some were caused by natural disasters and man-made disasters.

Although medical technology has advanced, it is not a magic bullet.

It is better to rely on yourself than ask for help from others .Relying on your own health and health to accumulate merit is the most important part.

The meaning of vegetarian food in GCIOSGF fashion Veggie Club’s monthly meal gathering is:

Lots of fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, onions, garlic, chives, eggs, ginger, and milk. Don’t eat any kind of meat. Pursue multiple wins: personal health, save the planet. The advantages are as follows:

Benefits of Vegetarian Diet

1 Helps in weight loss

2. Delay aging

3 Gain beautiful and glowing skin

4 Reduce chronic diseases, cancer

5 Feeling calmer

6 Stay away from toxins and eliminate toxins from the body

7 Reduce global warming

8 Protect animals

9 Prevent constipation

10 Protect your eyes

11. Think more clearly


2024年7月31日 星期三


GCIOSGF Newsletter 
GCIOSGF 時尚蔬食薈每月蔬食一次救地球



在地球暖化嚴重之當前,大中華留學生全球總會時尚蔬食薈的目的是集眾人力量每月吃一次蔬食救地球,給自己和家人積福德,同時也給自己的腸胃每月清爽一次。讓自己活得更健康長壽。蔬食薈勿政治,勿宗教,勿直銷,勿拉保險。只針對當前環保綠能議題與自我提升增進友誼等相關議題推廣活動。時尚蔬食薈任何人都可參加無年齡學歷要求.歡迎大家加入這個非常有意義的社團。謝謝!At a time when global warming is serious, the purpose of the Fashion Veggie of GCIOSGF is to gather everyone’s efforts to eat vegetarian food once a month to save the earth, accumulate merit for yourself and your family, and also refresh your stomach every month once. make yourself healthier and live longer. Fashion Veggie Club is not about politics, religion, direct sales, or insurance. We only promote activities related to current environmental protection, green energy issues, self-improvement and friendship enhancement, etc. Anyone can join Fashion Veggie Club, no age or academic requirements required. Welcome everyone to join this very meaningful club.Thanks!


2024年7月28日 星期日

吃15次蔬食可減少? 公斤碳排

 GCIOSGF Newsletter :

Fashion Veggie Club of GCIOSGF 歡迎大家加入每月一次蔬食救地球活動












Eating 15 vegetarian meals can reduce 12 kilograms of carbon emissions, which is equivalent to planting a tree.

Everyone actively participates in eating vegetarian food, planting trees, and loving the earth!

◎The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Chairman Dr. Pachauri and world leaders, experts and politicians all unanimously pointed out that meat is the main cause of global warming, and eating vegetables can immediately reduce carbon emissions.

◎The Environmental Protection Agency has launched a 1kg carbon reduction campaign per person per day. As long as we don’t eat meat for one meal a day, we can reduce 780g of carbon dioxide.

◎Amount of carbon dioxide emitted by diet:

*Producing one kilogram of beef produces 36.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide.

*Meat eaters produce 1,500 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year from their diet.

*Vegetarians’ diet produces 430 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year.

*If people in Taiwan don’t eat meat for one day, they can reduce 161,000,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide.

2024年7月24日 星期三

How food affects the mind, as well as the body It turns out you are what you eat after all

 from Economists 

Merry Reading Time 

This article is part of our Summer reads series. Visit the full collection for book lists, guest essays and more seasonal distractions.

Aglistening roast turkey. Rounds of golden, roast potatoes and parsnips. Pigs in blankets (because what meat-based meal is not improved by a side of sausages wrapped in bacon?). Brussels sprouts. Bread sauce. Cranberry sauce. Gravy. And, to finish, brandy-sodden pudding topped with butter.

Countries vary in their Christmas-meal traditions. Poles prefer fish, often carp. A Swedish julbord groans with variety, though herring will never be far off. But the repast served at most British tables on December 25th is iconic, and has been (with goose sometimes standing in for turkey) since the time of the Victorians.

A good meal has a positive impact on one’s mood. Part of that pleasure is immediate. Those who avoid overindulgence and family squabbles will enjoy a postprandial rise in their blood sugar. That will prompt a flood of endorphins—chemicals that act as happy hormones—to rush through their brains. 

But the pleasure goes deeper. Animal proteins, such as roast fowl, hams or fish, contain all the amino acids that the body needs including many it cannot make for itself. Tyrosine and tryptophan are needed for the production, respectively, of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that controls feelings of pleasure and reward, and serotonin, another such, which helps regulate mood. Brussels sprouts contain folate, a vitamin without which the brain cannot function properly. And cranberries are high in vitamin C, which is involved, among other things, in converting dopamine to noradrenaline, another neurotransmitter, and a lack of which seems to be associated with depression.

With mental-health disorders rising, a growing number of scientists are investigating how food or nutritional supplements affect the mind. Brains, being the most complex and energy-demanding of the body’s organs, almost certainly have their own specialised, nutritional needs. Welcome, then, to the emerging field of nutritional psychiatry.

An adult human brain, which accounts for about 2% of a body’s mass, uses 20% of its metabolic energy. A host of vitamins and minerals are necessary to keep it going. Even in one small section of the brain’s metabolic pathways, many essential nutrients are needed. The conversion of tryptophan to serotonin alone requires vitamin B6, iron, phosphorus and calcium.

Disentangling the brain’s nutritional needs from those of the rest of the body is tricky. Recommended daily allowances (rdas) are little help. They were formulated during the second world war on the basis of the nutrients needed for the physical health of troops. No such rdas exist for the brain. Not yet, at least.

Compared with other fields, nutritional science is understudied. That is partly because it is hard to do well. Randomised controlled trials (rcts), used to test drugs, are tricky. Few people want to stick to an experimental diet for years. Instead, most nutritional science is based on observational studies that try to establish associations between particular foods or nutrients and diseases. They cannot be used to definitively prove a causal connection between a disease and a particular contributing factor in a diet. But as with smoking and lung cancer, put together enough of these kinds of trials and causal narratives begin to emerge.

It is now clear that some diets are particularly good for the brain. One recent study concludes that sticking to the “Mediterranean diet”, high in vegetables, fruit, pulses and wholegrains, low in red and processed meats and saturated fats, decreases the chances of experiencing strokes, cognitive impairment and depression. Other recent work looking at a “green” Mediterranean diet high in polyphenols (the antioxidants found in things like green tea) found it reduced age-related brain atrophy. Another version, the mind diet, emphasises, among other things, eating berries over other kinds of fruit and seems to lessen the risk of dementia.

Scientists think such diets may work by reducing inflammation in the brain. This, in turn, may affect areas such as the hippocampus, which is associated with learning, memory and mood regulation—and where new neurons grow in adults. Studies in animals show that when they are fed a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids (from walnuts, for example), flavonoids (consumed mainly via tea and wine), antioxidants (found in berries) and resveratrol (found in red grapes), neuron growth is stimulated and inflammatory processes are reduced. This fits with research suggesting that those who regularly eat ultra-processed, fried and sugary foods, which increase inflammation in the brain, heighten their risk of developing depression.

The hanger games

That Christmas feast is often lambasted as an orgy of gluttony. In fact, with its sides of multiple vegetables, its nutritional density may make it among the healthier meals some people eat throughout the year. Only 10% of adults in America consume their recommended daily serving of vegetables, and just 12% get enough fruit. It is a similar story in much of the world. As a result, many turn to vitamin and mineral supplements to make up for their dietary deficiencies.

In 2018, 54% of North Americans and 43% of Asians were taking a nutritional supplement. The most common types are multivitamins, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. America spends the most on dietary supplements, followed by western Europe and Japan. One estimate put the global market at $152bn in 2021, with 9% annual growth expected until 2030. But in many places the regulation of the supplement industry is either weak or non-existent and little rigorous research has been carried out on either their benefits or risks. 

The story of nutritional supplements starts in 1912 when Casimir Funk, a Polish-American biochemist, proposed that unidentified organic substances were required in tiny amounts to maintain human health. It was a revolutionary idea. And he was correct. Along with macronutrients such as protein and carbohydrates, there were undiscovered components of foods—micronutrients. The first vitamin to be isolated and then synthesised in 1936 was thiamine or B1. Deficiency causes beriberi, a disease that can affect both the cardiovascular and the central nervous systems. The discovery prompted a race to isolate, characterise and manufacture vitamins and ultimately launched the supplement industry.

Half a century after Funk’s discovery, the notion that nutrients might be able to treat mental illnesses took hold. Abram Hoffer, a Canadian psychiatrist, tried treating schizophrenics with high doses of vitamins B3. Then in 1968 Linus Pauling, a Nobel-prize-winning chemist, coined the term “orthomolecular psychiatry” to describe the theory that varying the concentration of substances normally present in the body could treat mental disease. But there was little evidence to support their claims and in 1973 the American Psychiatric Association released a report dismissing orthomolecular psychiatry, highlighting the lack of controlled experiments and concluding that large doses of B3 were “useless and not without hazard”.

The absence of any large-scale, serious studies in the field of nutritional psychiatry left an opening for those keen to promote the potential of supplements far beyond any existing science. Autumn Stringam is one such case. After her first baby was born in 1992 Ms Stringam, a Canadian, was admitted to a psychiatric ward with severe post-partum psychosis. Her family had a history of mental illness, including bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression and suicide. Her prognosis was grim. But then her father, together with a friend working in the animal-feed business, developed a supplement containing a range of vitamins and minerals that they claimed were based on supplements that reduced anxiety and stress in pigs. Ms Stringam credited the supplements with her recovery. Her story spread and the family started selling the pills widely.

There were, however, no trials proving efficacy or safety. The suggestion that the supplements were a cure-all led one schizophrenic to abandon his prescribed medication. He subsequently murdered his father and seriously injured his mother. In 2003 the Canadian drug regulator, concerned about the use of untested supplements for serious mental-health disorders, seized the pills. The episode cemented the idea in many minds that using micronutrients to treat mental-health conditions was pure quackery.

And yet today much science does support the idea that there is a strong link between what people eat and their mental health. Studies have shown that b12 shortages cause depression and poor memory and are associated with mania and psychosis. Low levels of vitamin D are associated with increased risks of dementia and stroke, and are implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders. A recent rct found that high doses of B6—100mg per day rather than the rda of 1.3mg—reduces anxiety. In a study by Robert Przybelski of the University of Wisconsin of geriatric patients attending a memory clinic, 40% were deficient in one vitamin (of five that were looked for), and 20% in two.


So why not simply pop a handful of vitamins rather than bother with a complex, and perhaps expensive, diet? In part because you rarely know exactly what you’re getting. Ted Dinan, a professor of psychiatry at University College, Cork describes the supplement industry as the “Wild West”. Unlike tightly regulated drugs, supplements may contain more, or less, of what they claim. Too much vitamin A can be harmful in pregnancy. There are a variety of health risks from taking beta carotene and vitamin E. High doses of one nutrient can interfere with the absorption of others. 

Any testing of the use of micronutrients in mental-health conditions in Canada stalled after the episode with Ms Stringam. And yet some remained intrigued. Julia Rucklidge, a clinical psychologist at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, was approached in 2003 by a Canadian colleague to see if she might be interested in running such trials. She was sceptical: “I had been taught that nutrition is completely irrelevant to brain health.” At the time, she recalls, she was immersed in positive data showing the efficacy of Prozac, an antidepressant, and stimulants such as methylphenidate for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd). She was excited, she explains, to have these new drugs as tools to treat mental-health problems.

Then she was forced to question those views. She had been treating a child with obsessive compulsive disorder for a year with no success. The family did not want medication. One day when they were leaving she remembered she had a box of supplements under her desk for a trial she was planning. She offered them to the parents with the caveat that she had no idea whether they would work. Two weeks later they returned, saying the child’s obsessions were gone.

Dr Rucklidge was sceptical that any improvement was due to the supplements but it nudged her towards conducting more trials. A few decades on and she has shown that supplements are helpful in children with adhd—particularly those who struggle to regulate their emotions. The trial was recently replicated in America. Other evidence of the efficacy of supplements is emerging. The results of a large rct published in September showed that taking a daily multivitamin may improve cognition in those over 65. Researchers followed more than 2,000 people and estimated that three years of supplementation led to a 60% slowing of cognitive decline.

Nutritional psychiatry is still in its infancy. As it becomes clearer which micronutrients affect the brain, the next stage is to determine how they do so. Another new field of research could help with that.

One of the most intriguing scientific developments of recent years is the discovery of the importance of micro-organisms in the gut as intermediaries between what goes into the mouth and what happens in the brain. Researchers now know that microbes form a complex ecosystem in the gut—known as the microbiome. These microbes need micronutrients. A diet lacking in them, such as that consumed by many in the West, may lead to an imbalance in the gut microbiome.

Could this affect how people think and feel? Evidence is mounting for a link between the gut and the brain in what is termed the psychobiome—part of the microbiome—that does just that. The substances that the various bacteria, viruses and fungi produce may go directly into the bloodstream and infiltrate blood vessels, or they may stimulate the vagus nerve that connects the gut and the brain. The bacteria in the gut produce, among other things, tryptophan, the amino acid thought to have come entirely from the diet. 

The sorts of microorganisms found in yogurt specifically, and fermented foods generally, have also been shown by trials to reduce anxiety. Most astonishing to Dr Dinan is the finding that a person’s capacity to deal with stress can be altered by a single strain of bacterium. Studies show that two species of Bifidobacterium and one of Lactobacillus each reduce stress. In a trial on germfree mice, an abnormal stress response was reversed when they were given oral doses of Bifidobacterium infantis. These findings have given rise to the notion of “psychobiotics”—bacteria that, when ingested, may have similar effects to antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication.

The difficulty with developing this new field of research lies in the economics. Unlike drugs, vitamins, minerals and microbes are not patentable. Pharmaceutical firms have nothing to gain commercially from running trials on pills that anyone can flog. It is difficult to trust industry-sponsored research since it has a bias towards favourable findings. Governments, universities and health systems are better placed to run such trials. None of this will replace the need for a good diet. But it would provide food for thought. ■ 

2024年7月19日 星期五

The strongest ability of rich people: knowing what money should not be spent

 GCIOSGF Newsletter:

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The strongest ability of rich people: knowing what money should not be spent

A survey in the United States found that even among high-income earners, more than half of them rely on their monthly salary to cover their expenses and have no savings to deal with any unexpected situations.

Financial experts believe that true financial freedom is not about how much money you have in your pocket, but the ability to respond to environmental changes.

Don’t just use income as a criterion to measure wealth. Plan your expenditures, control unnecessary waste, and accumulate net worth to enjoy the freedom of wealth.

When ordinary people define wealth, most people think of driving luxury cars, carrying designer bags, flying first class, and experiencing luxurious travel. However, the other side of these social status symbols may be debt or pennilessness. Financial experts say that in a modern society with such extreme wealth distribution, true wealth freedom is no longer about how much money you have in your pocket, but the ability to respond to environmental changes.

Many experts criticize social media for changing the young generation's concept of wealth. When young people are constantly exposed to influencers who have become rich overnight and live a luxurious lifestyle, and view many posts about luxury consumption, they are bound to have questions about their own financial situation. Negative effects include unrealistic expectations of wealth and success. When young people strive to imitate this lifestyle, they may fall into unhealthy money habits such as impulsive spending.

High-income earners do not necessarily have freedom of wealth

A recent study in the United States shows that 64% of consumers live on salary, even for high-income earners. More than 50% of those with an income of more than 100,000 US dollars rely on monthly salary to cover all expenses, which means that most people have almost no emergency savings. .

How to create a corporate education, training and learning blueprint? Understand the planning steps and course topics at once

Many people with a bright appearance may have a high income but little savings. When interest rates rise or unemployment occurs, life becomes unsustainable. In the eyes of financial experts, these people are not truly wealthy.

Experts believe that a person who is truly wealthy should drive a Toyota car and go to hypermarkets to buy affordable goods. But they have the freedom to make major decisions, such as retiring early, resigning, and traveling where they want. When the general environment changes, such as the Federal Reserve (Fed) raising interest rates or temporary unemployment, it will not put any pressure on their financial burden. .

More important than income, net worth is the value of a person's or family's assets minus debts or financial liabilities. Wealth experts say that the label of being rich does not necessarily mean that a person can control his or her finances or achieve financial freedom. Because a person may be considered wealthy but still be in a financially unstable situation because they are highly leveraged and spend as much as they earn, often even spending more than they earn. These people sometimes appear to be doing well, but then become penniless after a while.

Controlling expenses is more important than super high income

Financial freedom represents the ability to say no to anything you want and the ability to do anything you want, independent of your employer or interest rate changes. Experts suggest that a super high income is not necessary, the focus is on controlling expenses. Even if you can afford it, you won't buy luxuries that will only depreciate in value, such as luxury cars, expensive clothes, and similar lavish spending.


People who are truly financially free are usually very cautious about debt. They think further and will not squander their income on things that can only bring short-term happiness. They are only willing to take on good debt, things that will increase in value like real estate or growing businesses. Really wealthy people also typically have multiple sources of income, which may include salary, dividends, business ownership, property ownership, etc.

In this era of extreme inequality, some people advocate that instead of pursuing financial freedom, it is better to achieve spiritual freedom, but this kind of practice is unrealistic. Don’t only use income as a criterion to measure wealth. Plan your expenditures, control unnecessary waste, and accumulate net worth. You don’t need to be in the top 1% or 10% of income earners to enjoy the freedom of wealth.


