2024年9月21日 星期六

Translated by Elizabeth Dong

 People’s Daily said: People who let someone have entered their heart will miss him/her very much whether they see him/her or not. I had no intention of mentioning you to the wind ,but the wind said it could go see you on my behalf.

The autumn wind plucked the strings in my heart, from forbearance to intensity, which let me have kept thinking of you.

I am no longer satisfied with “missing you”, but I want to see you, most of all. Please forgive me for the enthusiasm that I have hidden for a long time.

I am not by your side ,but I am under your control. My heart is mine, but it is filled with you, forget it, let it go.

Of the four seasons, only autumn has a heart, so autumn has sorrow and autumn has longing. Autumn is the season where “you need to meet to relieve the longing”.

Autumn is exquisite and clear, the sunshine and air are so crisp and bright that they are about to burst. It’s so beautiful, it would be nice if you were here.

As we go from the first spring to the deepest autumn, the moonlight becomes as clear as water, which must have a lot to do with autumn.

Some people say that autumn is suitable for missing each other ,but it even better for meeting each other.

The fierceness of summer and the pouring rain ferment our waiting for each other, turning our waiting into inseparable longing.

We have accumulated a whole season of thoughts in our hearts, and occasionally we meet in a light dream, and we can still be happy for a long time when we wake up.

Missing you is what I pay for my love and heartbeat.

Walking through the hustle and bustle of the streets, it would be nice if you were there. The autumn sunset in the distance is uniquely gentle. In the fleeting dusk, it meets the evening breeze, and thoughts come to my face. I want to write to you: Look at the sky at dawn and the clouds at dusk...

Drinking tea under the moon, thinking about the end of the world. When you see each other but can’t see each other, you miss him/her so much that you fall into a dream again.

I used to think that the most beautiful thing in life is meeting each other, but later I realized that the most difficult thing is actually meeting each other again.

A thought of autumn wind blows, a thought of autumn brings long thoughts. I’ve been talking about you a lot lately, and this is another way I miss you.

The longing sings softly, escaping the hustle and bustle of the day, but cannot escape the cold and lingering night.

The past is like a group of murmuring girls, pushing against the hearts that are about to move, laughing and dispersing, leaving only one girl with her head bowed and a smile.

Autumn, your heart turns out to be sweetly sad for her/him.

So, meet up! This is the best way to express our accumulated longing. When I see you, I can stare into each other’s eyes and speak softly. It’s as precious and beautiful as being lost and found.

I want to see you, but I know clearly that our meeting will be more meaningful only when you also want to see me.

Even if we stand silently, it is still very beautiful, watching the grass bearing its seeds, the wind shaking its leaves, you are in my eyes.


2024年9月15日 星期日

Happy mid -autumn festival!

 On behalf of GCIOSGF, we wish you a joyful Mid-Autumn Festival. May the warm glow of the full moon bring happiness, prosperity, and togetherness to you and your loved ones. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to sharing many more fruitful moments with you



docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOgkEoF1yzyBioCORJI4V7swW8B3G1iQ47FQXBtSBONm3-Iw/viewform 歡迎大家一起來吃蔬食救地球

2024年9月9日 星期一

紅雞蛋白雞蛋營養都一樣Red eggs and white eggs have the same nutrition

 GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊:












Facts you should know

In addition to the differences in eggshell color among commercially available eggs, you can often find that the egg yolk color varies from dark to light when cooking! But in fact, whether it is the color of the egg shell or the yolk, it has little to do with the nutritional value! And many people think that "the redder the yolk, the more nutritious it is." But in fact, does color really affect the difference in nutritional value? The truth may disappoint you!

Which is more nutritious, white shell or yellow shell eggs? Actually almost the same!

The difference in eggshell color is mainly related to the breed of chicken. The Council on Agriculture of the Executive Yuan (referred to as the Council of Agriculture) once stated that neither the color of the eggshell nor the color of the yolk has any obvious correlation with the nutritional value of the eggs.

Eggshell color is mainly related to the variety and has no significant impact on the nutritional value of eggs.

According to data from the "Food Nutrients Database" of the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, looking at the crude protein content alone, yellow-shell eggs contain approximately 12.5 grams of crude protein per 100 grams, while white-shell eggs contain 12.6 grams. In addition, Judging from the vitamin and mineral content, it is even more negligible! Moreover, if the shell is deducted and the weight of the edible parts of an egg is calculated only, it is only about 50 grams, so the difference in nutritional content between them is even smaller! The depth of egg yolk is affected by the variety and feed, but the nutrition is also not very different.

The Council of Agriculture explains that the different shades of egg yolk color have little to do with the nutritional content of the egg! But why are there different shades of egg yolk color? Zhang Zhengming, associate professor of the Department of Food Science at Taiwan Ocean University, said that in addition to the breed of laying hens, the feed they consume will also affect the color of the yolk.

The main reason for the different shades of egg yolk color is not only related to the variety, but also related to the feed ingredients. However, the color of the egg yolk has little to do with the nutrition of the egg itself!

The color of egg yolk can be controlled artificially! Feed pigments can affect egg yolk color!

In addition, Zhang Zhengming also added that generally speaking, the pigment components contained in the feed often affect the color of the egg yolk. If the natural pigment components in the feed, such as lutein or β-carotene, are high in content, the color of the egg yolk will be affected. It may become deeper! If you control the feeding and provide feed with different pigments, you can even get eggs with colored yolks. Therefore, he also explained that the academic community generally believes that the color of egg yolk cannot be used as an indicator to judge nutritional value!

2024年9月4日 星期三

你知道Girl 的用法嗎?

 GCIOSGF Newsletter:

Edit: OF


老外說 ​​You are a good-time girl 很有可能就是對你太愛玩的態度不滿,要認真起來啦!

She is a good-time girl who never works hard.


a hello girl


這個短語來自上世紀的美國。當時美軍裡有專門的接線員,大概 200 多人,都是女性。

接電話一開口就是 hello ,所以 hello girls 就成了女接線生的代稱。

When he was young, he fell in love with a hello girl.


girl Friday


這個短語來自《魯濱遜漂流記》。魯濱遜有個僕人叫 Friday,所以人們就用 Friday 來代指助手。

girl Friday 是個可數名詞,如果不只一個女助手的話,就要用複數形式 girl Fridays。

I'll have my girl Friday get the papers ready.



golden girl 不是“金色女孩”

golden girl


golden hair 是金髮,但 golden girl 指的卻是個大受歡迎、十分成功的女性。

She is China's golden girl.


tough girl


「女漢子」是指那些不愛撒嬌、個性獨立、不拘小節的女性,在英文裡也有對應的說法叫 tough girl。

Tough girls tend to be independent.


girly girl


「軟妹」在英文裡也有對應的片語 girly girl。 girly 的意思就是符合女性形象的、小女生的。 girly girl 相當於我們說的「萌妹、軟妹」。

I was a girly girl, but now I'm a tough girl.


head girl 是啥?

head girl


在英國,學校每年都會挑選學生代表,其中女學生代表叫 head girl,而男學生代表叫 head boy。

She was the head girl at her high school.


cover girl


cover 是「封面」的意思,cover girl 就是印在封面上的女性。

She became a cover girl of Vogue.

她成了 Vogue 雜誌的封面女郎。

girls in blue


這個短語是從美國警察制服延申來的,由於美國警察的製服大部分是藍色,所以 girls in blue 指的就是女警。

My daughter wants to be a girl in blue.



交際花 It Girl

老太太 old girl

鄰家女孩 the girl next door

注重儀表的女孩 glamour girl

2024年8月23日 星期五

Why you have an accent in a foreign language?

English   From Economists 

Why you have an accent in a foreign language?

It is because pronunciation, stress and rhythm are rarely taught well

Open a textbook for a foreign language, and one of the first things you see is an alphabet, enumerating the letters used in the writing system and the sounds they represent. This is obviously crucial for unfamiliar systems, say those of Greek or Russian. But even for languages that rely on the Latin alphabet, the guide will explain how diacritics such as accent marks change a letter’s pronunciation, and quirks such as the -ch- in German or -gl- in Italian. (The first often sounds like the ch in Scottish loch, the second like the -ll- in million.)

And with that, it’s off to master greetings, vocabulary and so on, with little further thought for pronunciation. This is a shame. There is much more to learning a foreign accent than the sounds that the letters on the page represent. To begin with, the rough equivalents given in English are often quite rough indeed. In French, the p in Paris sounds rather different from the p in English, a contrast often neglected in textbooks: the French version lacks the strong puff of air of the English one. (Hold your palm in front of your mouth and say “Paris” in English. Then try making the p without the puff, and you’ll get the French kind.)

Even when textbooks or instructors mention this sort of nuance, the next step is often missing. As with chemistry, the important thing is not just how the elements behave in isolation, but how they come together. Each language has rules for these combinations, which native speakers (and many teachers) generally grasp but don’t or can’t explain.

Consider an easy example. All French words are stressed on the final syllable, a rule typically explained in textbooks. But the importance of the rule is often underplayed. It applies not only to French words but to any foreign name: French-speakers are acquainted with a Texan city called yoos-TON, not the English HYOO-ston. The final stress is quite emphatic, usually involving a higher pitch and greater volume. Meanwhile, English words often have a secondary as well as a primary stress: in “civilisation” the primary stress is on the fourth syllable and the secondary stress is on the first. In French, the final-syllable stress is so strong as to leave little room for any other.

Next, languages differ in what linguists call phonotactics—in effect, what is a permissible syllable and what isn’t. The p in psychology and pterodactyl is silent because English phonotactic rules do not allow native words to begin with pt- or ps- sounds. English does let these consonants join in the middle of words, like uptown and upside, so English-speakers can certainly pronounce them. But the rule about beginnings means that even if you encourage them to pronounce the p in psychotic, they tend to insert an extra vowel to make it fit the template, and say puh-sychotic. Anglophone commentators discussing Kylian Mbappé, a French footballer, find themselves compelled to add a third syllable, calling him Em-bap-ay.

A similar befuddlement affects many foreigners learning English, perhaps even more so. The reason a Spaniard might say he is from Espain when speaking English is that sp-, st- and other consonant combinations are forbidden at the beginning of Spanish words, which is why the capital of Sweden is Estocolmo. That is just one example. English is unusually rich in consonant clusters that are, in practice, not allowed in other languages. Google a video of foreigners trying to say squirrel for another case study. The word combines an unusual skw- at the beginning, an odd vowel sound in the middle that most languages lack, and the tricky -rl at the end.

Another reason people are betrayed by their accents in other tongues, even if they are otherwise proficient, is that a language’s rhythm can be hard to pin down. They differ in how they space the syllables in a sentence. Cantonese and Italian, for instance, are “syllable-timed”: every syllable has roughly similar duration. Read this sentence aloud and try to pronounce every syllable this way, and you may find yourself halfway to mimicking an Italian. English is “stress-timed” (though less strictly), meaning that stressed syllables occur at roughly regular intervals, the remainder tending to be less distinctly pronounced. This is how you could distinguish Italian from English being spoken through a wall, even without being able to make out any individual sounds or words.

English-speaking tourists sometimes find themselves speaking English with a weird hybrid accent when they go abroad. Linguistic rhythm is infectious. But as with drumming or dancing, a little explicit teaching never hurts.

打開一本外語教科書,你首先看到的就是一個字母表,列舉了書寫系統中使用的字母以及它們所代表的聲音。這對於不熟悉的系統(例如希臘或俄羅斯的系統)顯然至關重要。但即使對於依賴拉丁字母的語言,該指南也會解釋重音符號等變音符號如何改變字母的發音,以及德語中的 -ch- 或意大利語中的 -gl- 等怪癖。 (第一個通常聽起來像蘇格蘭湖中的 ch,第二個聽起來像百萬中的 -ll-。)

這樣,就可以開始掌握問候語、詞彙等,而無需進一步考慮發音。這是一種恥辱。學習外國口音不僅僅是學習頁面上的字母所代表的聲音。首先,英語中給出的粗略對應詞通常確實非常粗略。在法語中,巴黎的 p 聽起來與英語中的 p 發音相當不同,這一對比在教科書中經常被忽視:法語版本缺乏英語版本的強烈氣息。 (將手掌放在嘴前,用英語說“Paris”。然後嘗試在不使用泡芙的情況下製作 p,你會得到法式的。)


考慮一個簡單的例子。所有法語單字的重音都在最後一個音節上,這是教科書上通常解釋的規則。但該規則的重要性常常被低估。它不僅適用於法語單詞,也適用於任何外國名稱:講法語的人熟悉德克薩斯州的城市,稱為 yoos-TON,而不是英語中的 HYOO-ston。最後的重音非常強調,通常涉及更高的音調和更大的音量。同時,英語單字通常有次重音和主重音:在「civilization」中,主重音在第四個音節,次重音在第一個音節。在法語中,最後一個音節的重音非常強烈,幾乎沒有給其他音節留下任何空間。

其次,語言在語言學家所說的音韻學上有所不同——實際上,什麼是允許的音節,什麼不是。心理學和翼手龍中的 p 是不發音的,因為英語語音規則不允許母語單字以 pt- 或 ps- 聲音開頭。英語確實讓這些子音加入單字中間,例如 uptown 和 upside,所以說英語的人當然可以發音。但關於開頭的規則意味著,即使你鼓勵他們在“psychotic”中發音“p”,他們也傾向於插入一個額外的元音以使其符合模板,並說“puh-sychotic”。英語評論員在討論法國足球員凱利安·姆巴佩時,發現自己必須添加第三個音節,稱他為 Em-bap-ay。

類似的困惑影響許多學習英語的外國人,甚至可能更嚴重。西班牙人在說英語時可能會說自己來自Espain,因為西班牙語單字的開頭禁止使用sp、st和其他輔音組合,這就是為什麼瑞典的首都是Estocolmo。這只是一個例子。英語中的輔音簇異常豐富,而這在其他語言中實際上是不允許的。谷歌搜尋一段外國人試圖說「松鼠」的影片來進行另一個案例研究。這個字的開頭有一個不尋常的 skw-,中間有一個大多數語言都沒有的奇怪的元音,最後還有一個棘手的 -rl。



2024年8月20日 星期二

Break up, give up, leave

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Merry reading time玩咖悦讀匯

Host : NP

Edit: OF 

Obviously, some social relationships have caused us trouble, but it is always difficult to let go, or we don’t know how to let go.

Non-essential social networking

Many people always say that they are too busy, so busy that they have no time to live, read, or cook a meal for themselves, but they don’t know what they are really busy with.

When most people are like this, this kind of ineffective busyness becomes a kind of blind obedience and makes people accustomed. If you want to get rid of ineffective busyness and fatigue, an important first step is to streamline your online social interactions.

In online social networking, we will inevitably create many groups. Friends group, colleague group, company group, project group, grocery shopping group, industry group, coupon group, community group... Everyone has multiple groups with different functions, but in these groups, 80% of the information It is worthless, but it silently consumes our time.

Sometimes I can’t help but look at what is said in the group, sometimes I chat with my colleagues about gossip or complaints, and sometimes I argue with others. We spend a lot of time and energy in chat groups without realizing it. However, time is wasted for no reason, which will shorten our effective time and make life busy and tiring.

In addition to chat groups, friend restrictions and social network posts also need to streamline social interactions. The first thing to do to stop socializing on the Internet is to “delete” it. Delete useless chat groups, delete advertising promotions, or friends who were added at unknown times.

Secondly, a relatively simple and direct way to stop socializing is “time management”, plan your time well, and gradually reduce your time for socializing online. For example, there was originally no time limit for reading messages, but now it only takes half an hour to play. Then gradually reduce the frequency and frequency of online social interactions.

In addition, use mute mode appropriately, turn off group notifications that are not convenient to exit directly, friends that are not suitable for direct deletion, and silence individual friends’ social posts that you do not want to see. Make good use of social functions and gradually reduce unnecessary energy consumption.

frequent recreational gatherings

Getting together with friends occasionally can relieve stress and relax your body and mind. But frequent gatherings and pastimes can easily make people fall into emptiness without realizing it. Life seems lively, but a certain part of my heart is hollowed out.

We need to be even more vigilant about some recreational gatherings in the workplace. After we start working, the people we interact with the most, besides family members, are our colleagues. You can attend occasional gatherings for the purpose of connecting emotionally, but if you gather too frequently and always complain about the company when you get together, it will take a lot of time and effort. Such gatherings are nutritious and can easily lead to unnecessary disputes.

Therefore, just participate in recreational gatherings in moderation. Only by making time and space for yourself, cultivating your own hobbies and building your own spiritual world can you make your life more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Unequal party entertainment

Unequal party entertainment is often tiring and of low value. The so-called asymmetry covers many aspects.

(1) Resource imbalance

Many people are willing to participate in some social activities for the sake of work and personal development. But in reality, many situations are like attending a lot of parties, collecting a lot of business cards, and adding a lot of friends, but in the end nothing happens. Because if you do not have exchangeable resources, or your resources do not have equivalent value, then such entertainment is often difficult to achieve the purpose of resource exchange.

(2) Inconsistency in cognitive levels and values

Why are some gatherings of family and friends so offensive? Why do your relationships gradually fade after some friends succeed in their careers? Why do some industry celebrities seem so aloof?

These interpersonal problems are actually caused by asymmetry in cognitive levels and values. Some relatives like to compare their children’s jobs, incomes, houses, and cars with each other, and urge you to get married and have children, because this is their long-established value standard.

Some friends who have successful careers are not nostalgic, but they may have seen the vast world, gained more knowledge, and led busier lives. Apart from reminiscing about the past, they have little to talk about with old friends.

Some well-known people in the industry may seem “cold”, but it’s probably just that your perceptions are not at the same level. Say something you don’t understand and you still have to explain ten sentences. It’s better to maintain a polite social distance.

Therefore, gatherings and entertainment where there is a large gap in cognitive levels and values ​​should be appropriately streamlined. If you must attend, prepare countermeasures and end it early.

(3) Economic conditions vary greatly

Economic conditions cannot be used as a criterion for making friends, but if they are very different from each other, you should also attend such gatherings selectively. If you are friends who have been together for many years, you will already have a accustomed way of getting along, and you can adapt to each other. If they are new friends and both parties don’t know enough about each other, the gathering process is likely to make both parties uncomfortable.

Many people attend gatherings of old classmates, relatives and friends, and afterward they always complain about someone showing off their wealth, or someone having too many rules and being fake. In the end, the poor feel that the rich show off and show off whatever they lack; the rich feel that

Poor people have low self-esteem. No matter what they do, others think they are showing off.

Regardless of what is right or wrong for the moment, such conflicts are essentially due to the different economic conditions of the two parties, and their living habits and values ​​are naturally different.

Everyone will face different social situations. The division of the above categories is only an example. To put it simply, you can refer to such standards to make choices about the social activities you want to participate in.

Participate in more social interactions to improve yourself. Increasing knowledge, exercising abilities, enriching experiences, etc. This kind of social interaction that helps self-development and self-growth is more worth the time and energy.
































2024年8月17日 星期六

新數據:蔬食飲食的確能讓身體回春 只要這樣吃

 GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊:




Host: NP

Edit: OF

新數據:飲食的確能讓身體回春 只要這樣吃

閱讀學習英文學習 蔬食救地球




該研究是刊登在《BMC Medicine》的兩個研究中的一個。史丹佛大學的預防醫學研究中心(Stanford Prevention Research Center)該研究將21對成年、BMI平均26的雙胞胎分成純素組和雜食組,進行8週的研究,除了看生理和心理狀況,也用細胞年齡來檢驗受試者的器官、新陳代謝和荷爾蒙等等數值是否降低;純素組避免吃動物來源食物,雜食組則是奶、蛋、肉、蔬果都吃。




另一個研究是從營養素的角度出發,研究地中海飲食、替代健康飲食(Alternative Healthy Eating)和表觀基因營養飲食(Epigenetic Nutrient)3種飲食的差異,這3種飲食的特色包括:













飲食型態中減糖普遍被認為是正確的做法,但純素飲食是否真的健康?史丹佛大學預防醫學研究中心研究員亞若尼卡(Lucia Aronica)指出,純素食雖然能讓細胞回春,但這不代表純素食贏了,「人體需要各種營養素,長期純素食會使營養缺乏,可吃蛋奶,避免加工食品和糖才真的健康」。



New data: Diet can indeed rejuvenate your body. Just eat this way

Body functions will gradually decline over time. How to reverse aging and rejuvenate is everyone's pursuit and wish. The latest research has found that as long as you do two things right in your diet, you have a chance to make all body functions younger.

Aging is a physiological process that is difficult to reverse, causing cardiovascular problems, dementia, and various chronic diseases that people avoid. However, although aging is inevitable, two studies have found that through correct diet, various organs and metabolism can be rejuvenated as we age. The reason is that diet can affect DNA.

Eight weeks of vegetarianism changed gene expression, and all physiological indexes became younger

The first study was a twin study published in BMC Medicine. This study by the Stanford Prevention Research Center divided 21 pairs of adult twins with an average BMI of 26 into a vegan group and an omnivorous group. The study was conducted for 8 weeks. In addition to looking at physiological and psychological conditions, cells were also used. Age was used to test whether the subjects' organs, metabolism, hormones, etc. were reduced; the vegan group avoided eating animal-derived foods, while the omnivorous group ate milk, eggs, meat, fruits and vegetables.

The study found that only the vegan group's cell age was reduced, including the heart, liver, endocrine system, metabolic system, and endocrine system, which were "rejuvenated" and the inflammatory index was also reduced. However, the omnivorous group also showed good changes, mainly because they consumed more animal protein, so their tryptophan increased and their mood was happier and more stable.

Diet can affect DNA and rejuvenate body organs and metabolism.

Sugar-free can reduce physiological age, even if a healthy diet encounters sugar, it will not work

Another study is to study the differences between the Mediterranean diet, Alternative Healthy Eating and Epigenetic Nutrient diets from the perspective of nutrients. The characteristics of these three diets include:

Mediterranean diet: Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, fish, olive oil, and avoid processed meats.

Alternative healthy diet: high intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and legumes, low intake of sugary drinks, juices and alcohol.

Epigenetic nutritional diet: not using food, but using nutrients as the standard, high intake of folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants (such as vitamins C and E), moderate intake of dietary fiber .

The study randomly divided 342 subjects into 3 groups and were given the above dietary patterns, but did not limit sugar intake. That is to say, in addition to eating the diet specified in the study, the subjects were not stipulated how to eat additional sugar, so as to understand Effects of sugar on cell age.

The results showed that these three diets can reduce physiological age. Among them, the Mediterranean diet is the most significant, and can make cells younger by 0.41 years. That is 7.3 days of aging. Even if you do not consume more than 25 grams of sugar a day, eating 25 grams of sugar will make your cells age 183 days.

DNA is like computer hardware, and "bugs" can be fixed by acquired diet and good living habits.

These two studies concluded that cell age can be reversed through diet, and they both mentioned "DNA methylation". How to explain it?

Functional medicine nutritionist Lu likes that DNA is like computer hardware, which can be matched with many software, that is, "methylation". Different software can allow this computer to have different functions, and at the same time, "bugs" can be removed and updated regularly. Close faulty code, open or maintain normal code operation.

Whether methylation can be normal depends on acquired living habits. If living habits are poor and DNA methylation function is abnormal, too many "bugs" will accumulate and crash, causing many genes on DNA to not function normally, such as anti-cancer. Genes, anti-aging genes, etc., leading to chronic diseases or genetic diseases.

Many studies have found that even if there are genetic diseases, they may not occur through acquired diet, nutritional intake and lifestyle adjustments. This is because DNA methylation is well-regulated, so the chance of abnormal manifestations is reduced.

These two dietary experiments both explore the impact of food or nutrients on "DNA methylation". They found that as long as you eat a healthy diet, well-regulated DNA methylation will turn on anti-aging genes and turn off aging genes, so you can reach the age of your cells. Regarding the rejuvenation effect, "The phytochemicals in vegetable food provide better anti-inflammatory effects and reduce oxidative stress. The body can repair DNA regularly. At the same time, phytochemicals can also protect cells. The benefits of these fruits and vegetables can rejuvenate cells," Lu Meibao explain.

Can a vegan diet win? Expert: Not necessarily, this is the only healthy way to eat

Reducing sugar in the diet is generally considered the right thing to do, but is a vegan diet really healthy? Lucia Aronica, a researcher at the Preventive Medicine Research Center at Stanford University, pointed out that although a vegan diet can rejuvenate cells, this does not mean that the vegan diet has won. “The human body needs various nutrients, and long-term vegan diets will lead to nutritional deficiencies. You can eat eggs and milk and avoid processed foods and sugar to be truly healthy."

Nutritionists said that the study was based on eating a pure vegetarian diet for 8 weeks, so it may not be possible to see what nutrients the body lacks. If you eat a pure vegetarian diet for a long time, you may lack protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, calcium, etc. from animal foods. , so it is recommended to make up for the nutritional gap, or switch to lacto-evo-vegetarian so as not to lack nutrients. If you are unable to eat completely vegetarian food, you can implement a Mediterranean diet, but you can eat vegetarian food a few times a month to keep your body healthy and save energy and reduce emissions.

2024年8月15日 星期四


 不容小覷的素食潮流~ 2020年全球彈性素食者已達42%




近年來, 隨著現代人對於健康、環境,和動物保育的意識提升,「素食」不再只侷限於宗教信仰,而是展開了一個全新的飲食文化趨勢。其實台灣人愛吃素是世界數一數二的,早在2017年時,台北就被CNN評選為「世界十大素食友善城市」,台灣的素食人口數,更是全球排名第三。根據《世界素食人口報告》 指出,台灣的蔬食人口(含彈性素食者)已高達300萬人,佔總人口約13%。





全球對於素食的關注度不斷上升,而台灣也緊緊跟上潮流。根據Google Trends 的數據顯示,2020 年在Google 上與素食有關議題的搜尋量增長47%,比5年前高出兩倍的普及率。




印度是全世界素食人口排名第一的國家,共有超過4億的素食者。有趣的是,印度的素食文化不僅僅是一種飲食行為 — — 由於宗教、種姓制度,和歷史的關係,吃素逐漸變成在高社會階層、富有和優雅的象徵。在 2014 年,印度城市帕莉塔納城(Palitana)成為了世上第一個素食城市,並且也在2015年禁止了許多城市的動物宰殺和非法售肉行為。




豬腳和香腸遠近馳名的德國,如今也掀起吃素風潮,漸漸成為了新的主流。CNN 報導表示德國在2016年推出了許多純素食品,全球約 18% 的純素食品都是從德國出口的。他們利用大豆之類的植物性蛋白研發了和肉相同的口味和口感,好讓入門的吃素者更加適應習慣。在 2011 年,柏林也開設了歐洲第一間純素連鎖超市Veganz,如今在德國已有10間分店,提供超過 4,500 種素食產品。


根據全球市調公司歐睿國際(Euromonitor International)2021年3月針對素食者以及植物性食品前景所發布的報告《Going Plant-Based: The Rise of Vegan and Vegetarian Food》指出,隨著素食者對於吃素的倡導和討論,素食人口持續成長,每年的搜尋量與社群聲量也持續攀升。吃素的原因和動機非常多元化,包括因信仰而吃素的宗教原因、抵制不道德的動物飼養、希望降低二氧化碳排放量幫助環保,以及為了健康飲食的訴求,藉由蔬食飲食達成健康目標。隨著追求素食主義的人越來越多,餐飲業也不斷地研發更精緻和美味的素食餐,提高潛在素食者的接受度。

但是為什麼年輕人更愛吃素呢?食力FoodNext指出在這群蔬食主義者中有越來越高的比例來自年輕族群:1995年後出生的Z 世代中,有54% 的受訪者表示他們正在減少食用肉類或其他動物性質的產品;而在1950年代出生的嬰兒潮同樣的比例則為34%。這些數據顯示年輕人似乎更加在乎素食議題,並尋找更健康和道德的食品選擇。

Source: Euromonitor International《Going Plant-Based: The Rise of Vegan and Vegetarian Food》






台灣吃素議題社群聲量文字雲(爬搜區間: 2022/4/14~8/15)



即使如此,這題的答案仍算明確。根據英國牛津大學和美國明尼蘇達大學的一項健康與環境影響的研究中,50 公克的紅肉所排放的溫室氣體是100公克蔬菜的至少20倍,而土地使用的面積更是蔬菜的100倍。如果每個人都停止吃牛肉,採用純素飲食,全球土地使用量將下降75%,這項建議更被視為「減少人類對地球影響最有效的方法」之一。


 GCIOSGF Newsletter 

English leaning 

Host : NP

Edit: OF 

psychic [ˋsaɪkɪk] 靈媒 

🔸medium [ˋmidɪəm] 靈媒、乩童 

🔸gift [gɪft] 天賦、天命 

(例句)She has a gift for talking to dead people.


🔸shaman [ˋʃɑmən] 仙姑、師父師姐 (執行收驚等)

(例句)The kid’s grandmother took him to a shaman for his night terrors.


🔸spirit-rebalancing 收驚

🔸to ward off evil spirits.避邪

(例句)She had a car accident last week, so she went to a temple to get her a spirt-rebalancing.


🔸paper charm 符

🔸incense ash 香灰

(例句)The shaman made him drink a mixture of water and the ashes from a burnt paper charm.


🔸sixth-sense 第六感

Sofia: AHHHH!!! Why are you screaming? You scared the hell out of me!


Bob: YOU scared the hell out of me! Why are you sneaking around?


Sofia: No, I’m not! ( staring at Bob ) Are you alright?

Sofia:我才沒有!(看著 Bob)你還好嗎?

Bob: …This remind me of my childhood memory. There was a time when I had a fever for days, my grandmother believed that I must have been possessed by something so she took me to a Taoist shaman.


Sofia: She thought you need a siu-kiann.


Bob: Yes, she thought there must be something to exorcise.



Possessed (adj.) 卡到陰,著魔的

Possess作動詞代表「擁有」(to have,to own),同時也有「支配」的意思,形容詞以possessed表示,指的是「被什麼所支配;著魔的」,也就是我們俗稱的「卡到陰」。

Demi possessed the talent of playing musical instrument.

Demi 擁有演奏樂器的天賦。

Tom’s life was possessed by his wife.

Tom 的生活受他老婆所支配。

She must have been possessed to buy that hideous hat!


Taoist shaman (n.) 師公

Taoist為形容詞,意思是「道教的」(Taoism 為「道教」的英文說法),而shaman原先用來專指「薩滿巫師」,後來延伸為用來泛指「民間信仰的法師」,Taoist shaman指的即是廟裡的「師公」。

The rite of siu-kiann was hold by a Taoist shaman.


Exorcise (v.) 驅魔

Exorcise意指「驅魔;驅邪」(小心別和另一個動詞 exercise「運動」搞混哦!) ,exorcist則是指「驅魔師」。

After the priest exorcised the girl, the girl regained her health.



Sofia: What did you think of the rite then?


Bob: Well, all I remember now is that my grandmother asked me to drink a mixture of water and charm paper.


Sofia: Wow…

Sofia:哇 ……

Bob: Yeah, it was terrible. However, after that my fever did go away.


Sofia: Seriously?


Bob: In fact, now I seem to recall something… I recall something I saw in the dark alley a few days ago before the fever.

Bob:事實上,我現在好像記起了一件事 ……。我回想起發燒前我在暗暗的巷子裡看到了什麼。

Sofia: Do… do you think that’s a ghost?

Sofia:你是說 ……你是說看到鬼嗎?

Bob: It’s hard to say…

Bob:這很難說 ……

Rite (n.) 儀式

Rite為名詞,意思是「儀式」,如 religious rite「宗教儀式」、funeral rite「喪禮儀式」。

The Catholic parents had their baby baptized according to religious rite.


Mixture of water and charm paper (n.) 符水

Charm paper的意思是「咒文;符咒」,mixture則代表「混合物」。因此, mixture of water and charm paper 指的即是「水和符咒的混合物」,也就是「符水」。

Bob listened to his grandmother and drank the mixture of water and charm paper.

Bob 聽阿嬤的話把符水喝了下去。

Ghost (n.) 鬼

ghost 的意思是「鬼怪;鬼;幽靈」。另外為大家補充幾個相關單字,包括代表「鬧鬼的」的haunted,以及「鬼故事」的英文說法ghost story。

That old hotel must be possessed by ghosts. Three people went into it and never came out.


That old hotel is said to be haunted.



